Dom Henry / Premiere

Type in the name of Dom(-inic) Henry in your favorite search engine, and you will soon face the necessity to put the kettle on, in order to properly appreciate the amount of footage that will appear in front of you… And you will not get bored from it, because the now Manchester local is talented, before being productive! Digging a lot of his inspiration from the best parts of the 90's, one can also note the influences coming from his multiple travels and stays around the various skate scenes of the world. Despite, in the end, pretty much embodying the ultimate UK skateboarder… Not that it matters, really, the best side of this part, filmed by Sean Lomax in his very own 4/3 HD format, is that it remind you that you should never be afraid to flip your board on red bricks ground, especially in fakie.
This is with great pride we are premiering, as a Live exclusive, this new Dom Henry part, as a teaser to a follow-up interview!

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