

One could argue that not having heard of Dino Coce by now essentially means they fell out of the loop - his independent, conceptual, full-length video "FINTA" unquestionably being one of the most original skate products of the recent years, embracing inspiration from always celebrated, now classics of the genre such as Colin Read's "SPIRIT QUEST" but with a personal twist, borrowing from as far as Michel Gondry's aesthetics, or Takahiro Morita and "OVERGROUND BROADCASTING"'s style of quick cut-based editing, and exporting what's really blending into a unique approach to skateboarding all the way from Croatia with love.

Since the release of "FINTA" (of which you can still - and are being heavily recommended to - get a DVD straight from the man himself, here), Dino has also been experimenting with the format of Instagram skateboarding clips under the moniker Orionskate, on the constant hunt for moves of his own that themselves explore the boundaries between useless wooden toy maneuvers and literal magic tricks. The emphasis on illusion in particular is so certain, one is bound to wonder what really is up with every other seemingly reality-warping clip - not unlike Gou Miyagi's late career output, just picking up from it all the while based in a completely different corner of the world.

LIVE has actually interviewed Dino a couple times before: one time to celebrate the release of "FINTA", in the makings for five years, which you can browse over here alongside many of his conceptual sketches and one part from the video; and once more regarding "TABULA RASA", another independent croatian skate film by his compatriot Raul Žgomba in which Dino had a part back in 2019, which you can watch here alongside words from the duo. Speaking of which, it is worth noting that Raul has since dropped a brand new video: "QUICKSAND", released online via the great U.K.-based Grey Skate Mag, featuring many a local scene head (and we mean that), which was paired up with one more interview by Vladimir Film Festival co-founder Nikola Racan, to be discovered here.

All caught up? Well, you're most likely still not prepared for Dino's newest offering: "SHAOLIN SPONZOR ME TAPE" is a clip really meant as an appetizer for his upcoming video (yes, he's been working on another one), but also one inherently strong of, once more, exploring definitions, formats and concepts. What's a 'web part' (actually yes, really, that term - what is it?), what's the most technical trick possible - achieving enlightenment, perhaps? Surely that one is up there at least. And so, here's the video record of Dino transcending himself, in more ways than just one too.

Dino suggested that we would release this on 22/2/2 at 22:22 (that is 10:22 P.M.) and of course we embraced the flow. It was filmed by Dujma and Butko, salutes Dino's longtime appreciation of both Japanese skateboarding videos and Eastern spirituality at large in the best way possible and, as a single, online skate piece, will definitely make you reconsider at least part of what you think you know.

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