Octavio Barrera

Intêrstate magazine / Rafael Gonzalez / 5W's!

Launched in 2017, Intêrstate is a highly qualitative skateboarding magazine with a focus on beautiful images, exposed film and an explicit motto: "skateboarding culture and visual arts". The third issue just came out, and one of the co-founders tells us more.


Where Enrique Lorenzo reminds us all, with proofs to spare, of a time where Menace was not yet a myth, but a group of guys that did skate together, and therefore you could meet at spots… This is exactly what happened to him back then. And us to realize that Enrique is amongst those few Spanish skaters that marked the history of worldwide skateboarding, with their sheer motivation to get around and an often light years ahead technique. Yes, this new project from Louw, Enrique's brand, has a bit for everybody!

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