
Well, there is no competition… Or when you can start your part with just redifining a few well rinces spots!


Peace and love II

Kenta Okamoto, LIVE interviewed him already around the time of the release of "PALE", and that wasn't the only time we've passed the man's edits around either. Now, still the same gifted cameraman amidst a crew of equally inventive and Japanese skaters, "PEACE AND LOVE V.2" turns out to be the direct spiritual sequel to the previous eponymous installment and consists in eighteen minutes of all new footage - them guys really are at it! As expected from Kenta by now, the filming and editing are stellar, the soundtrack exquisite and there might be one of the best flatground 360 flips ever filmed somewhere in there, too - amongst just as remarkable urban, mostly nocturnal, prowess.

And to keep in touch with Japan even better, may we recommend again the UGLY WEAPON videos, featuring a few heads in common - most especially, their latest piece of output for now: "SAMMY".

Buta's finest!

It's been since the very beginnings of LIVE, pretty much, that we've been sharing the corrosive edits from Budapest's finest, the Rios crew and for an undying reason, too: it's been almost a decade since they started regularly mailing the Internet their unique brand of audiovisual anthrax, every time representing all the urgency of a skate scene that's forever been boiling in spite of the spikes of quite the antagonizing local sociocultural context. The inhabitants don't get it, the bystanders get pissed, the cars freak out on the road first and then their drivers too, in the YouTube comments. A landscape dipped in stress, yet one which doesn't suffice to block the movement of several generations of skateboarders who persist to grow and blossom in between the local pavement cracks, constantly stealing clips from destiny.
Mátyás Ricsi is one of those; and, if you may have distinguished his silhouette before in earlier Rios edits or in Push Periodical's "PARTIAL WORLD TOUR", today, he's the main star of the five minutes of footage on the menu. Well, that would be underestimating the role of Bence Bàlint, behind the lens capturing all the moving but also still images - since he also caught many of the tricks in photo form. You can check out a gallery of that, as well as a great interview with Risci on the Grey Skate Mag website. Speaking of which, as Henry Kingsford rightfully observes, most of the spots are bound not to look familiar, regardless of how many Rios clips one already might have watched; that's only testament to the intensive scouting from the crew, focused on exploration before exploitation for close to a decade now and counting.
For more things Rios, one can still (re-)read this interview with Bence for Magenta, here; and since just one skater being featured in one of their releases is so rare, might as well send you back to this five-year-old other instance in particular, still as fantastic as when it first dropped and featuring the genius Attila Fehér.


Antti hero

Lucky should be considered those who can already claim knowing the name of Antti Heikkinen, Finland-based filmmaker under the "ASPHALT JAZZ CLUB" nick and corresponding Vimeo page, and also, himself, a skateboarding magician pairing up intuitive creativity with a discreet profile, notably scheduled as featured in the upcoming "BORDEAUX EXPOSURE 3" but whose approach on the plank you can already witness in other local edits more or less affiliated with Magenta - as he's been spending some time with those guys, at the pace of his personal travels throughout the years.

And so today, Antti strikes back with a new project: "FUN CITY", which you can already follow on Instagram and peep this first video from, here. On the menu: thirteen minutes packed with unique spots and prowess with, amidst plenty of locals on fire, just so happens to include a certain Clément Chouleur! Now, about how this all came about, here's what Antti himself had to say...

Felipe Oliveira "WORLDXIT PART 3" / PREMIERE

As promised, today on LIVE, Felipe Oliveira exposes his message via WorldXit the audiovisual way, with this self-edited compilation of his own footage as gathered throughout the years by valiant Converse Brazil videographer, Guilherme Guimarães. And the product speaks for itself; although, of course, we felt like tracking Gui down for the extra bit of commentary, below, regardless. And for more from Felipe, one can still watch his former video appearances here or go and (re-)read his interview about this very project that is "WORLDXIT PART 3" - but not just that - here!

"Filming with Felipe is always a pleasure; it never made me feel like it was a “job”. Since we started working together in 2016, we've created this type of connection that came in naturally. It’s like a bond between a filmer and a skater - something that just happens and you can't force it. What you see in this part is just the beginning of a series of hard work we're dropping throughout this year. I’m sure his name will be heard globally from now on. And he deserves it. Thank you - I love you, Felipe!" - Guilherme Guimarães

Felipe Oliveira / INTERVIEW

The Felipe Oliveira case is one of the many LIVE has been closely watching for quite the years now; a post-modern style dictated by a persistently free spirit, dozens of more or less local appearances throughout the years, a constantly boiling Instagram feed and, from now on, the head of a project of his own: WorldXit, really the direct extension of his creativity and approach to daily life via original textile-based productions, but not just that. Indeed, right now, it is audiovisual matter Felipe is just about to drop, under the form of a new self-edited "web part" (as they say): "WORLDXIT PART 3", the receptacle of footage contributed by Converse Brazil camera maestro Guilherme Guimarães then reinterpreted by the skater himself, on LIVE as soon as tomorrow. To keep you waiting, in addition to reposting this other recent clip of Felipe, here are his answers to our questions that obviously raised themselves by themselves and he didn't sleep on as one more opportunity to express himself with enthusiasm - if not a certain urgency.

PREMIERE / "L'ELDORADO" / "Chronicles of the Past" Nantes / INTERVIEW

Today, on LIVE, we're not introducing you to just one exclusive local video production, but rather two - as an attempt to a general representation of the skate scene in Nantes, France, as nurtured throughout several decades by successive generations of activists working hard at putting not just their practice but also their localization on great display. This strongly historic landmark of French skateboarding has fed the prowess of - amongst others - Thibaud Fradin back when his sponsor at the time, Cliché Skateboards, Jérémie Daclin's iconic company, was literally and figuratively taking off overseas, or also David Couliau's adventures on either side of both the lens and industry. Nowadays, in comparison, some might argue that it's blending into the general landscape a little more - maybe due to the lack of encouraging local policies for skateboarding, but maybe also due to a lack of attention on their own end because indeed, the scene really seems just as vibrant in the year twenty twenty-one looking at the hyperactivity of several shops (NDJBanc PublicMilk) but first and foremost of the ever-so-passionate locals, some of them even running their own skate mag: Ob'Session. "L'ELDORADO" is the name of the new full-length video the latter crew just issued; and we're talking a conceptual enterprise here, supported by the notorious Sony VX-2000 and the local poetry of then - via a constant parallel with Jacques Demy's cinematography - and now - by the means of home-made animations by Rose Moreau, some timeless theatrics and of course excellent skateboarding by the crew. So, just as we were getting excited to share said piece already is also exactly when Franck Pierron contacted us (remember "TRACKED MOVEMENTS" and LIVE's original interview with Franck, here), too, to show us his new vintage gem; an anachronism only more complete upon viewing, "CHRONICLES OF THE PAST: NANTES EDITION" is a true time capsule of the authentic nineties, and quite the four-minute journey into the past of Nantes and some historic kickflips. Obviously, the temptation of federating all these different energies into one major article ended up overcoming; so, here's your occasion to discover or rediscover Nantes through quite the transgenerational prism, including questions to all parties involved - a virtual cultural trip we're inviting you on here and now!


LIVE has introduced you to sixteen-years-young Jamie Manning before via his section in "IT'S A SONY", the recent full-length video by the equally youthful Jude Harrison (also interviewed at the time). Well it is as the protagonist of "FREE TRAVEL" that he comes back, today (no relation with Chris Thiessen's prolific company, although every time is a good time to show these guys some love too); we're talking an edit filmed in London exclusively - except for one clip in Bristol - and mostly by James White, Jamie's elder by at least nearly a year. When juvenile excitement meets a relative maturity when the time comes to ride wet brick sidewalks, then the outcome being such an authentic product - the kind we always appreciate - is only so surprising, after all.

And for even more Jamie but on duty for Jude's VX-1000 this time, feel free to take a bonus gander at their newest "Off The Grid" in Tunbridge Wells - quite the meta concept - on the T-Boys' YouTube!

Charles' tip: "Sarah"

"Why bother with a filming dad, a team manager, an olympic coach or a couture designer? Here, the average age is barely 15 (I kid you not!), staff included, and between skating Paris and Besançon, they managed to organize a clothing line between their crew Boyo and Stuff and the local shop, Molly. Yep, we can trust the kids!"

They are alright!

Château Magenta

The knights of French skateboarding over at Magenta just brought down their drawbridge into this year twenty twenty one A.D. with "LES CHÂTELAINS": close to ten minutes of Bordeaux street sled action on whatever might or might not look like a spot, performed by quite the herd of proud locals. Now, as far as production is concerned, we're talking exceptional colors for the aforementioned coat of arms as the format used this time is H.D. 4:3 - quite the unexpected battlefield, yet still one easily conquered by Andrea Dupré, the camera officer here - in between instances of his personal output and of ritual dubbing at local skateshop Sirop d'Erable. On the program: one section each, respectively, for seneschals Vivien Feil and Léo Valls forming quite the relentless joust against the cobblestones of Southwest France, punctuated by strategic appearances by key squires along the likes of Sergio Cadaré, Julien Januskiewicz, Emilien Bonnet, Kenny Adoua and Léo Spartacus - whilst one particular flatground pressure flip in front of Edmond Burger can already be heard around the world resonating as the next Pandaymic, we're telling ya!


Maybe the world isn't in such a bad place, after all…


Strush x Klasse Wrecks

When our favorite japanese skate wheel makers over at Strush Wheels (whose former productions, including the legendary "COLLECTIVE IMPROVISATION", can be browsed here) team up with Hong Kong-based record label Klasse Wrecks for the span of a collab and the accompanying web edit, what you get is this boiling hot potato of razor sharp-cut VX-1000 clips that are bound to kick you in the retinas, as well as put you in a trance that might technically be set to last for barely three minutes, but the energy of which will outlive said duration time all the way into your next sessions for sure.


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