Color Fools / coming soon!

Photos: Benjamin Deberdt

 Benjamin Deberdt

A year and a half to search for spots, and try to skate them… That could be your classic formula to "do a video". Apart from one little detail: that color thing! Because, no, Julien Paccard and friends certainly did not take the easy route! Their idea? Choose a color each, then only be able to film street furniture "naturally" in that hue. Amazing concept, and according to anyone that has ever tried to shoot skating to shelf the second week… Well, they held down to it, and made it happen!

Color Fools was also a chance to get the artist Elna on board, to draw all the visuals involved, as well as film a couple tricks!

 Benjamin Deberdt

Therefore, we are really proud, at Live, to be involved in such an odd and multifaceted project, and to announce the real life premiere for Saturday April 4th, in Annecy!

You will find more info about the premiere, here, while the eight episodes(one by color)  will start to go online (once a week) on the Color Fools page, from April 6th. Meanwhile, here is a little taste of what's to come:

Live Skateboard MediaLive Skateboard Media

Wait to pass announcement...