Ph.: Ekoy Satria
Rendy Aldiansyah, backside 5-0. Ph.: Ekoy Satria
Deo Nashdra, wallride. Ph.: Under-G
Deo Nashdra, Dio Satriangga. Ph.: Didi
Aldy, Rayis, Sean. Ph.: Ekoy Satria
Ph.: Haydr Suhardy
Deo Nashdra, crooked grind. Ph.: Haydr Suhardy
Adhi, nosewheelie. Ph.: Haydr Suhardy
Ph.: Ekoy Satria
Ph.: Under-G
Flight 714 for Jakarta
The country altogether has a strong scene, yet not many productions get seen overseas, most notably due to the language barrier possibly complicating the process of looking them up. But here, that very wrong is fixed, and masterfully, too, "MALACCA 2020" is a straight shooter that ticks all the right boxes: creative VX-1000 manipulation, inspired and precise editing, a variety of styles and unique-looking spots, a lot of them on the crazy side (such as that driveway into traffic), all packed together in one nine-minute-strong uppercut.
Malacca first and foremost consists in four longtime skaters with the Malaka Sari spot as their common denominator - and the name also doubles up as a reference to the local Malacca tree. Since the inception of the brand last year, Rayis Bisyir has been handling everything video production (all the while his brother Syiddik and their friend Sean Sebastian take care of the business side), and Adhi the graphics; their drive is to "bring their take on Nusantarian aesthetics onto the scene". Deo Nashdra, Rendy Aldiansyah, Aldy Renaldy and Dio Satriangga happen to represent that heritage on wheels.
Soundtrack is also home-made, by Danger Dope.
As passionate as they are, the crew also sent us a selection of photography by Ekoy Satria, Haydr Suhardy, Under-G and Didi, featured as a gallery on this page.
In order to stay in touch with the Indonesian skate scene, LIVE suggests that you follow Canister Skateboard Zine, operated out of Malang by Ari Ck since late 2014; Malacca would also advise the more local Pavement Mag, as well as Wonder Skateboarding.