Grey Area Alert!

The most core of you may (or may not) have fond memories of "Grey Area", the independent video effort from Poland that got everybody talking a few years ago when it dropped and introduced the world to the labor of love of the eponymous crew, through the prism of a very Pontus Alv-esque visual touch. Among the ranks: a certain Michal Juras, then acquaintances with Polar Skate Co., particularly stood out. This winter, a new Grey Area full-length is just around the corner: "Neverwhere". You're expecting it, we've seen it: it's a true gem both filmmaking- and skateboarding-wise, marking a comeback to the roots of sorts and immortalizing incredible stylings at unique spots. We'll be presenting more to you soon, in the meantime here's Michal's part from "Neverwhere". Dzięki!

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