"MIXTAPE VOL.3" / Stephen Buggica / PREMIERE

It certainly isn't the first time that on LIVE Skateboard Media we catch ourselves singing the praises of Florida as a hotbed for skateboarding talents - on either side of the lens, too. You might not know the name - yet - but you may be familiar with the series of full-length indie videos: "Shaqueefa OG", hitting hard and strong with a steady flow of "Mixtapes" (three volumes so far) and modern social media presence. That crew just never seems to stop and now, here is the author of the Shaqueefa mixtapes tracks one to three himself gifting us with Hopps and Theories rider Dustin Eggeling's part from his latest "Vol. 3" - also comprising some tasty Kevin Coakley clips - in addition to the following exchange of ideas.

LIVE Skateboard Media: May you please introduce yourself and your background in skateboarding and skate video making? Where are you from, and where do you operate from, and where do you usually film? Did you travel to specific destinations outside Florida for this project: "Shaqueefa Mixtape Vol. 3"?

Stephen Buggica: My name is Stephen Buggica and I’ve been filming skateboarding for about ten years now. Living right down here in Tampa, Florida. I have been filming here the whole time and it’s really starting to get hard to find new stuff to skate.

As far as traveling to other places for this video, we mostly just went to Atlanta, Miami and to Puerto Rico. I think we went to Puerto Rico like three times for the video. That island is magical. It has amazing spots and you can drive the whole island in a day.

Also went to both North and South Carolina a few times. Most of that New York footage was given to me from our friend DJ Brethauer and that helped a lot with peoples' parts and connecting the video to the city. I only went there twice and filmed for this video.

Jimmy Lannon and Stephen. Ph.: Josh Bowser

LSM: "Mixtape Vol. 3" is a Shaqueefa (OG) branded video. What is Shaqueefa, and where does the name come from? Most crucially, who came up with the logo?

Stephen: Well, Shaqueefa has been around way before me. So I missed all that stuff. I would have to ask Scotty Conley that question, he owns the company.

To me, Shaqueefa is just the crew I skate with, the crew in Tampa. It’s the only crew I’ve ever known in Tampa.

"Some people have even thought the DVD was a real mixtape"

A lot of the guys were skating together before I even came into the picture; but naturally, over time filming in Tampa I would connect with them and we have been filming since then. Three videos down. 

LSM: What is the history behind the Shaqueefa Mixtape legacy; when and how did the previous installments come about? Who are some prominently reoccurring skaters throughout the whole series, if any? Why the 'Mixtape' designation despite the Zoo York video series of the same name - are you guys such G's you just didn't give a fuck? Any other side projects you've worked on?

Stephen: Basically, my good friend Dave Cruz was leaving for a year to move to Hawaii and we had a bunch of footage between him and our friend Robby Kirkland. So we decided to throw a party and put together a video of the footage and Dave coined it the Shaqueefa mixtape. So that one came out in 2011, then the second installment in 2013 and then the third in 2017.

And throughout the whole series, Dave and Robby have had parts. [Chris] Jata and Yonnie Cruz came in during Vol. 2 and occurred again in Vol. 3. Manny Rodriguez had parts in both videos and so did Jereme Knibbs.

Dustin Eggeling, switch backside tailslide. Ph.: Chaz Miley

So just a little example, a lot of people came into the videos during Vol. 2 and continued to Vol.3 with the exception of some skaters dropping from 2 to 3. But mostly the same crew going and going.

Like I said, Dave coined the name and at the time I didn’t think of Zoo York "Mixtape". But that is one of my favorite videos of all time and no one can replicate it. It’s OG. So definitely, a lot of influence from that video.

But also I just really like how music and skate videos have such a rad connection. And mostly hip-hop for me. So that’s why the mixtape name stayed, and the third installment I tried to make it more into a mixtape then the others.

"This one only took about three years and some change;
which is a long time, but not"

Some people have even thought the DVD was a real mixtape. I’m psyched on that.

LSM: This is Dustin Eggeling's part you are presenting today, who rides for Hopps, also comprising some Kevin Coakley clips and a general Traffic-ish vibe sprinkled throughout. How did the Theories connection happen originally; what was the first work of yours Josh Stewart ever saw, and how enthusiastic was he about it? Surely he must have been psyched to rep good Florida stuff, being from Florida himself?

Stephen: Well, those dudes grew up in Florida - at least in my eyes, Kevin did. I remember seeing them skate the skatepark together when I was a little kid. Actually, the whole crew would skate together when I was like fourteen.

Josh is also from Tampa as well. I think he graduated the same high school as I did. He’s the first one to kick off the skate video scene in Tampa outside of the skatepark. So I’m assuming naturally he would be stoked to see new footage from Tampa twenty years later.

The first thing he probably saw was Vol. 2; we did a real premiere for that one, and he gave me a "Static IV" trailer to play before the video. Then we made the DVD's and he put them on the Theories site. 

LSM: How long was the filming process for this one? It's pretty damn long yet all killer no filler and packed with different individuals, resulting in the impression that you've really gone on two thousand missions. Were some sessions more casual than others, maybe with some of those guys specifically? I mean, Jimmy does have a three-song part. What is your routine like?

Stephen: Thank you G! We really did go on five thousand missions, it feels like. But that’s normal for any full length.

Dustin Eggeling, frontside crooked grind. Ph.: Chaz Miley

This one only took about three years and some change; which is a long time, but not - considering the last year I could only skate one day a week.

A lot of sessions were just driving around and not getting anything; that was a stressful time in the video process and we still do that now, but I don’t have a huge pressure of finishing a full project.

Jimmy is always good to work with, and we connect on ideas and music very well.

Jata and Manny are also pretty easy to film and hang with, also Dave and Robby are the original guys so it’s always chill with them.

Some people can be more difficult to film than others, but over time you build your own individual relationships with everyone. Learn how to deal with everyone’s shit differently as they do with my own shit.

LSM: Who would you say are your influences in skate film making right now? And as far as the act of skating itself? As a filmer, do you think the Florida scene is so effervescent it might help you get your work out there? What's your stance on San Francisco and seeing so many great skaters from Florida relocate there?

Stephen: There are a lot of guys out there really doing it with their own style.

The Threads Idea Vacuum videos guys always produce really original videos.

"Why wouldn’t Florida’s skaters go [to SF]? From the flats to the hills"

Zach Chamberlin is a favorite for sure. You can pick his footage out over anyone’s.

And of course Josh, with everything he’s been doing in skating.

And lately I’ve been stoked on Josh Roberts' stuff, from Perth.

As far as skating - pretty much anyone those guys film and drop projects with. I honestly don’t mind if my stuff does not get past the state line. I just enjoy doing it, whether people are watching or not. But maybe Tampa will have a come up in exposure as Florida as a whole has this past year.

Man, San Francisco is awesome. I’ve only been there once. It’s a magical place, too. And you've got to be on some shit to film there properly, like Ryan [Garshell] and Zach [Chamberlin].

I mean why wouldn’t Florida’s skaters go there? From the flats to the hills. 

LSM: What is your relationship with the VX-1000? Is it the only format that counts to you as far as skate footage, or can you appreciate other types? What do you usually watch to get stoked on for the day before you go skate - if anything?

Stephen: Yo! HD footage can look really dope. Especially a few filmers lately have been really doing a lot with it.

Naturally I’m still holding strong onto the VX. I would rather see a strong VX part then an HD, but I still enjoy HD footage.

Ph.: Josh Bowser

Honestly I don’t watch much before I go skate. Unless there is a new part or edit that drops on the web that day of a company or skater I’m stoked on. 

LSM: Any plans for the near future? Mixtape Vol. 4?...

Stephen: Naw naw, no Vol. 4 [laughs]. I’m actually taking on my own endeavor - Busted Mic., which I am currently working on projects for now, and building it all together.

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