Ph.: Alexis Jamet
Marco Pelletier, wallride nollie out. Ph.: Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet
Ph.: Alexis Jamet
Ph.: Alexis Jamet
Sergej Vutuc, no-comply wallride. Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Clément Harpillard
Marco Pelletier, frontside boardslide. Ph.: Clément Harpillard
Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Emilien Bonnet. Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet
Clément Harpillard, boardslide nollie out. Ph.: Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet
Ph.: Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet
Louis Perruchaud, taildrop. Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Louis Perruchaud, wallride nollie out. Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Clément Harpillard
Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet, backside nosegrind. Ph.: Clément Harpillard
Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Antoine 'Chuck' Jouguet
Ph.: Max Guyot
Ph.: Max Guyot
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: George Booth-Cole
Ph.: Matias Elichabehere
Ph.: Matias Elichabehere
Ph.: Clément Harpillard
Ph.: Clément Harpillard
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: Yedihael Canat
Ph.: Matias Elichabehere
A couple of weeks back, LIVE was featuring "CLASSICO", the new video with its contents filtered through the eye and VX-1000 of Practice Session's Corentin Ohlmann, in between Paris and Marseille, in a style comparable to the one of "BROTHERHOOD" (the video by Corentin's friend Max Guyot, itself filmed in Nancy and Paris). Our most faithful readers should already know by now, but most every skateboarder involved in "CLASSICO" also happens to double up as a photographer (as their respective contributions to the No Contact Sheets project can attest) and today here they are, presenting you this gallery of clichés they shot whilst on the sessions, be the latter street- or beach-based. Amongst the contributors: Corentin himself but also George Booth-Cole, Max Guyot, Clément Harpillard, Matias Elichabehere, Alexis Jamet, Yedihael Canat and Antoine "Chuck" Jouguet - whose talents also comprise team management, it looks like, since he played a big role in gathering all those images, for you!