george booth cole


A couple of weeks back, LIVE was featuring "CLASSICO", the new video with its contents filtered through the eye and VX-1000 of Practice Session's Corentin Ohlmann, in between Paris and Marseille, in a style comparable to the one of "BROTHERHOOD" (the video by Corentin's friend Max Guyot, itself filmed in Nancy and Paris). Our most faithful readers should already know by now, but most every skateboarder involved in "CLASSICO" also happens to double up as a photographer (as their respective contributions to the No Contact Sheets project can attest) and today here they are, presenting you this gallery of clichés they shot whilst on the sessions, be the latter street- or beach-based. Amongst the contributors: Corentin himself but also George Booth-Cole, Max Guyot, Clément Harpillard, Matias Elichabehere, Alexis Jamet, Yedihael Canat and Antoine "Chuck" Jouguet - whose talents also comprise team management, it looks like, since he played a big role in gathering all those images, for you!


Corentin Ohlmann of Practice Session is a skateboarder (and one you might have caught in the act via Max Guyot's full-length indie piece, "BROTHERHOOD"), draws John Muscu (amongst other things), and likes to be discreet when it comes to his skills with a Sony VX-1000; well, at least he was before "CLASSICO", his newest skate edit to date, meticulously crafted, adorned with hand- and home-made titles and split in two parts: first a Paris section, then a Marseille segment. Solid filming, spots aplenty and a colorful roster (albeit slightly leaning towards a certain Magenta tint): what you get is seven minutes and a half of the real thing, more fun a workout than one of jumping jacks.

Stay tuned for the photo gallery soon, if the world doesn't collapse or something. In the meantime, you can check a variety of Corentin's former edits on his YouTube channel, here!

PREMIERE / Vladimir 2018 / George Toland / INTERVIEW

Them lads never quit it! Over the past month the Internet has graced us with "Teddie", London head George Toland's R.A.D. new full-length video compiling one year worth of skateboarding by his crew filmed in many different locations throughout Europe; and last week, we were presenting you this interview and photo gallery of George Booth-Cole, the photographer of the posse and a talented one at that, who happens to document many of his mates' prowess on thirty-five millimeter film when the other George aims at the same in moving form via his trusted VX-1000. Both homonymous G's are no strangers to the most important skate video festival in Europe, the now longtime running Vladimir Film Festival occuring every September in Croatia (the 2017 documentary on which George was down to help out with already, contributing chunks of skate footage); and actually here they are today, showcasing a recap of some of the intense street skating that took place in between the exhibitions and screenings at the latest, 2018 edition of Vladimir, all filmed in the city of Pula, Croatia over the course of four days. The two played their respective roles as documentarists so well, we just had to catch up with the one who favors colors and tapes (click here for an interview with the other George), if anything just come up with enough banter to illustrate and punctuate with their souvenirs of stoke, sunshine and miscellaneous, sound shenanigans!

INTERVIEW / George Booth Cole / GALLERY

To start things off with a pun only the most experienced with Japanese skate videos of you will get, George Booth is tight! Now past the cringeworthy introduction point, let's still dwell over how justified the prior remark is. For the past few years, Gee Bee Cee has been very involved teaming up with George Toland and the Serious Adult crew (the one that recently brought you the full-length video "Teddie"); all of them are fueling their scene, having a hand saving the classic London spot Southbank, and documenting the current generation of London rippers - one they are part of. Booth's language of choice happens to be the one of photography and for a while now, he's been sharing his works and displaying his zines quite visibly on Instagram, a curated yet abundant selection of quite unique fragments of time frozen on black and white film, then self-developed. Last September, the whole crew went (again!) to attend the Vladimir Film Festival in Croatia for a few days; to tease the resulting edit by George Toland, coming out on LIVE real soon, here's a gallery of George Booth Cole's works, images from the latest Vladimir but also from the making of "Teddie" and some from a project in Japan. And the lad looked like he had things to say aplenty, so we caught up with him for a few!


Teddie is not just the first name of London O.G. and Long Live South Bank activist Greg Conroy's most recent offspring (congratulations again!); it doubles up as the title for George Toland's new full-length, filmed for Greg's collective: Serious Adult over the span of eleven months, from November 2017 to October 2018, when it got exported just in time for the latest edition of the constantly expanding (and bubbling) Vladimir Film Festival. The lads did send it hard, and not just on local turf either  as they also got footage whilst on trips to Marseille (France), Zaragoza (Spain) and Pula (Croatia). By no means a stranger to the VX-1000 by now, George's filming is incredible, and only sublimed by contributions from Rémi Luciani, Chris Williams and Luke Herb (when Tom Delion was in charge of the Super 8). "Teddie" hits like a brick you'd splatter over upon catching a London sidewalk crack, and is packed with a solid roster of stylers dominating some improvised playgrounds of quite the unpractical type with incredible ease!

Tom Delion, Jack Soden, Sebastian Lemus and Darwin all have individual sections, when the rest of the video is riddled with friendly appearances by Greg Conroy, Max Critchlow, George Booth-Cole, Chris Garcia, Lewis Bell, Graham Davies, Harry Turner, C.J. Sewell Gayle, Jorge de Torres, Sam Earl, Mikey Prentice, Joe Coward, Elliott Wright, Chris Mann, Tommy May, Glen Fox, Ryan Cunningham, Luka Pinto, Louis Woodhead, Myles Shankie, Sam Bunton and Will Stradling. A green tea-fueled, streets-infused explosive mix!

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