Parking Lot Stardust

You may remember Netherlands-based filmer Ziggy Schaap's previous edit: "The End" that graced the almighty Interwebs last spring. Well, the end it wasn't, as it turned out that even wintertime wasn't enough to deter the man and his crew of friends from doing their thing: this new video, "No Service" was filmed just then, over the span of two months and with a modus operandi of being underground parking lot-themed. A project for which they really did some research regarding which ones not just in the Netherlands but also Belgium had the best utilizations possible to offer, as an attempt to cover as much slippery-slick (under-)ground as possible! The final output is a much more joyful watch than one might expect from the basic concept: the VX-1000 is excellent (explicitly influenced by the likes of Yoan Taillandier), the terrain gets worked in smart ways and in the end, "No Parking" is one more great testament to how the daily weather doesn't have to dictate how much motivation one should show!

You can read a complementary interview of Ziggy about the project on the German Place website, here.

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