Switch Big Spin / Skatedads

"Skatedads", LIVE has mentioned the name before; in Stéphane Larance's Bigger Spin, for instance, and on Instagram to announce the eponymous photo exhibitions of analog works by Benjamin Deberdt - a regular collaborator with the Paris-based brand Leroy République that coined the concept. Which is, a study on the variety in the stories of some longtime renowned French skaters turned fathers, and their relationship with their offspring turned skaters - a phenomenon that's only bound to become a more common occurrence as the culture keeps stacking years.

The latest 'Switch' episode of the French skate podcast Big Spin, by Sébastien Charlot and Arnaud Dedieu, is all about that axis; an occasion for them to interview Franck Barattiero, Toni Brossard, Ben Aurélien, Sébastien Daurel, Jean-Marc Druesne and their junior counterparts, about their common passion and the benefits of its intergenerational transmission!

So once again, here's the complementary Bigger Spin - business as usual...


Franck and Luca Barattiero

Ph.: Nikwen

Franck is an O.G., Luca a Répu "kid".

They skate together from time to time, follow each other on Instagram and talk skating whenever the situation.

In the following video, here's Luca's favorite line of Franck's, as well as J.B. Gillet's as a bonus.


Toni and Tiago Brossard

For Tiago and Toni, it's on Satursday mornings that the shared skating usually goes down.

And maybe one day, Tiago will find himself following his dad around the streets of Paris... We'd be looking forward to Yann Garin documenting that!


Ben and Syd Aurélien

Ben and his son Syd usually start their Satursdays and Sundays off at République, around eleven in the morning.

And then as everybody's crew gets together, it's "mission time" as Ben likes to call it.


Jean-Marc and Gabriel Druesne

Jean-Marc is an entrepreneur and skateboarding never quite left the back of his mind - nor did it ever leave his book shelves.

He transmitted his passion to his son and his daughter, Gabriel et Georgia.

With his wife Gwendaline, he co-founded Leroy République: more than just a brand, a complete project revolving around skateboarding and family. "Skatedads" - that's them.


Sébastien and Lucie Daurel

Try imaging what your life would be if Seb Daurel were your dad for a second?

In real life that's Lucie's case, and she's more than hyped.

She coaches her dad on the ramp, helps out at the skatepark, or on D.I.Y. spots with Spanish dudes.

Many steps ahead than most, already!


See you soon for more things Big Spin!





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