Benjamin Deberdt

"DILL" / Jonathan Rentschler / INTERVIEW

Jonathan Rentschler is another name that should ring familiar to most LIVE regulars as we've shared about his photography works and even interviewed him before - around the time of the release of his "LOVE" photo book on the last days of LOVE Park in Philly. Well, today, he's up to presenting a new zine: "DILL", focused on Jason Dill as its subject but not just any Dill, or the most publicized Dill for that matter: casual Dill, with an emphasis on documenting spontaneous moments in the man's natural environments.
The opportunity was to great to miss for Benjamin, who caught up with Jon in order to learn more, and spread the word!

Switch Big Spin / Skatedads

"Skatedads", LIVE vous en a déjà touché un mot au moment du Bigger Spin de Stéphane Larance, ou encore sur Instagram à l'occasion des expositions éponymes de Benjamin Deberdt, en collaboration avec la marque parisienne Leroy République. Le concept s'attarde en profondeur sur le parcours de skateurs français de longue date devenus papas, et leur rapport hors du commun avec leurs enfants devenus skateurs, ou skateuses, puisque la pérennité de la culture le permet désormais - à une échelle grandissante.

Ce nouvel épisode du podcast du skate français Big Spin, par Sébastien Charlot et Arnaud Dedieu, est dédié à cet axe de recherche ; l'occasion d'interviewer Franck Barattiero, Toni Brossard, Ben Aurélien, Sébastien Daurel, Jean-Marc Druesne, leur progéniture respective, au sujet d'une passion commune et des bénéfices de sa transmission intergénérationnelle !

Et comme d'habitude, le Bigger Spin vient se poser en complément, à nouveau en Switch !

Bigger Spin / EP 005 - Benjamin Deberdt

It is now a LIVE Skateboard Media tradition that whichever new episode of the French skate podcast "Big Spin" comes out instantly sees itself supported by our very own complement of it, the Bigger Spin providing you with easy access to research matter regarding the subjects getting brought up in the interviews. And if you can't grasp French, then at least here you get to enjoy links and obscure references only the real will get! Today's interviewee on the brand new Big Spin episode just so happens to be the man, the myth, the legend from Barcy (with an "a", and no "-lona") and beyond: Benjamin Deberdt! Strong of the wisdom of someone having encountered skateboarding as soon as the seventies (which he will keep liking claiming!) and the playful mind of a child, Benjamin naturally grew up to become the man long time in charge of a lot of initiatives within the skateboarding press network, most notably launching the French magazine SuGaR twenty years ago, then extending his research with the creation of the European Kingpin then even beyond, with this worldwide takeover of a website LIVE Skateboard Media is. Broad is Benjamin's experience and urge to get more life out of people via countless public recollections of incredible skate stories (complete with photo proof), a way for him to exchange little fragments of existence and humbly help piece the world together. Marks of his personal experiences and relationships keep overflooding his office further and further from "oh, the boxes" and into people's minds, by the means of magazine contributions and self-publication (see This Was Just Now). Anyway, it is for certain that Benjamin took our opportunity of an audio podcast as yet another modern way to get to reach out to whoever would like to hear the quirkiest skate anecdotes, or laugh about life with him!

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