Clayton Gabor

Leo, Bord'O and "skate urbanism"

Leo Valls (remember Minuit from ten (!) years ago, the Magenta videos in the meantime and then, his two-month late-and-counting Bigger Spin his Big Spin interview is still waiting for, making that one Late Bigger Spin); when he's not skateboarding, working on a skateboarding-related project just about anywhere geographically reachable, or scoring Instagram points, is busy - and has been for a few years, alongside local N.P.O. Board'O - getting involved in the politics of his hometown of Bordeaux, France. His intent: working with the skateboarders and with the city towards the best possible compromise between the inhabitants and the skateboarders Bordeaux is literally packed with. Over the years, his effort has slowly but very surely borne many a fruit, and Leo was recently invited to give a talk at Pushing Boarders in Malmö regarding the progressive aspect of such politics as opposed to brutal repression, highlighting their positives for the common good over more selfish instances of private interest and showcasing real-world examples of locations were such "skate urbanism" was developed as nothing but places actually up to date with the modern urban necessities.

Leo also skates for DC Shoes, and the brand just dropped this little documentary piece on his activism.

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