Ivan Arcia


Multiple times in the past, LIVE has been sharing video productions by Gerardo Sosa - who is, seemingly naturally, always going great lengths to cover the skate scenes all around Latin America; remember, we even interviewed him a while back about "SITUACIÓN DE CALLE", his Buenos Aires, Argentina full-length document. Today and many urban peregrinations later, he is back with an exclusive edit: "SNAFU", three minutes all shot in Guatemala City, very much in the vein of "PACHITO" and, as a complement, he recounts:

"With everything being as hectic as it is all over the world, it's good to see skaters still hungry to get clips - no matter what. I was trying to take it easy on the video making after filming a full-length, but the fire was still going. Had a visit from our friends from Costa Rica, then found a couple of clips I thought I had lost, then went out skating with Mark Williams one afternoon and got a handful of tricks of him on some spots that no one had skated. 'Situation Normal - All Fucked Up'!" - Gerardo Sosa / Word Is Bond

And so, to be expected: your daily dose of original terrain, and some colorful maneuvers on the plank courtesy of Mark Williams, Gerardo himself, David Fernandez, Totio, Ivan Arcia and Daniel Chacón.

Now, for even more from Latin America, let's invite you to check out "FASTIDIO" on Bandcamp for the latest record to date featuring skater, artist and D.I.Y. entrepreneur Monki a.k.a. Tomas Spicolli, on Discos Corrosivos (Tomas is also affiliated with Tildaflipers and Masao gallery); also, make sure to keep an eye on Transmisión Skate Peru, a new skate platform from Lima.

Live Skateboard MediaLive Skateboard Media

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