Odran Fernandez

Pea and Ham

A.k.a. "Odran's tip" (remember "JUST ON TIME"?), "PEA AND HAM" is an australian skate movie by Charlie McGowan, someone Odran coincidentally met due to the former living just above the latter's workplace. The product transcends the typical skate video codes under many an aspect, its approach being resolvedly contemplative - marking an instance of well-utilized H.D. towards the crafting of an original and particular universe wrapped up around the tricks. An effort in coherence that was pushed as far as into the soundtrack, homemade by the featured skateboarders at the service of what really is pretty remarkable production quality for an independent video. Holla'd at, Charlie recounts:

"A little about the film - "PEA AND HAM" is a skate video featuring Melbourne spots during the Covid lockdowns between 2020-2022. At many times, the streets were basically empty due to isolation restrictions.

The film features an array of electronic music created by guys featuring in the film and other friends. These people are Riley Holmes, Ryley Barry, Izaak Ashley, Max Wrangles and Aidan Doherty.

The titles were made by Tom Woodman and the filming and editing was all done myself!" - Charlie McGowan


PREMIERE / Odran Fernandez "JUST ON TIME"

Montpellier-based, Five-O Skateshop affiliate Odran Fernandez (who hasn't been without getting some LIVE love already before) and his Melbourne holiday are both looking real sweet, or so do they at least via the 3CCD prism of local filmer Hunter D. Micaleff we're inclined to believe is truthful, since Hunter's own holiday footage doesn't lie.

Now about Odran, in between two considerably long noseslide maneuvers, the man himself recounts:

"Melbourne is just an incredibly, crazy city packed with spots! So as far as the back story goes, the place has been quite lockdown-heavy since Covid and the last instance of lockdown we had spanned for just about three months. That whole time period, I was getting more or less 'paid to skate' due to being unable to work and so, I was being supported by an organization called Centrelink, benefitting from some weekly program... Which was pretty sick, actually!

And so during that lockdown, I first met Hunter; we randomly got a couple of clips together one day and the dynamic was just working, so we naturally went on and filmed more! "JUST ON TIME" was filmed over two months, two months and a half, so quite the dense, fast process - we really were productive because, well, we both had nothing else to do and that's a fact [laughs].

Really, big up to Hunter since, whenever we would be going skating, he really would be coming to film and not with that mindset of mostly skating and then maybe getting a few clips on the side. We'd meet up at spots with specific ideas... For instance, that whole session for both the first and last trick - I probably spent two hours at that spot that day, it really was one of my most intense battles I ever fought - and here he was the whole time, sitting down with the camera, switching tapes and batteries... Because yeah, we did choose to film with the VX!

"JUST ON TIME" as the video title actually comes from how one certain line was filmed just that, five seconds prior to the end of one of the tapes..." - Odran Fernandez


Pierre Bonnafé is a youngster from Montpellier, France where he most notably represents Five-O Skateshop, a longtime local institution duly refering to its activity as "independent skateboarding militancy since 1997". The last two of those pre-quarantine years, Pierre spent most week-ends of them earning a bunch of clips here and there around Montpellier, Lyon et Nice "in between classes [laughs]", and it's only once locked down that he could finally focus on cooking all said ingredients together into once recipe. Some handrail and ledge prowess in there, as well as some LIVE regulars in the list of contributing filmers, including Odran Fernandez and Bastien Regeste.

Local tourism

A more-or-less guided tour of the Montpellier, France region and its spots in H.D. - ya down? Because that's exactly what the young Odran Fernandez is offering here, albeit not without help from the local skateshop: Five-O, that has been encouraging initiatives of this type since 1997, already. Behind the filming, some LIVE regulars such as Bastien Regeste and Bastien Marlin can be spotted but it's really Axel Niqueux who threw it all together, all the while making sure the soundtrack would live up to our recollections of some of the best Euro skate videos to have come out in 2005. Teasing aside, here's a sweet little postcard for motivation's, activism's and 360 shove-its' sake!

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