Russ Milligan

Trip to Chicago

You will recognize many a name here, as the Canadians from Studio have good taste when it comes to pick up riders, and you will also have to recognize that this week in Chicago has been quite busy!

Smooth rippers

Russ Milligan needs no more introduction, and Tyler Warren recently got noticed with his last part in Civic Affair… They good, and are well put together with a killer soundtrack to top it, here!

Cost effective

The Street Feet gang seemed to have a blast during this S.F. trip, and offer us their own take on it… Quite the postcard!

X Generation?

Oops, we almost let that one part slide! Then again, Russ Miligan being the archetype of "that Canadian that killed and then vanished", it was meant to happen! Fluid and tech, he's back here at his best! Once again, Green Apple delivers!


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