belgrade zoo


The two crustiest Eastern crews are back! Reuniting with the concept of last year's "Dunja" (which you can peep alongside an interview here), our Budapest brethren: the devin that is the Rios crew recently went back to Serbia for more urban life and shared street moments with the local Belgrade Zoo. Rumors of an official, upcoming twinning of the two regions have since been spread.

Still Belgrade-related - if around or nearby, please do yourself a favor and take a gander at this sick local event, imminently occuring: the Summit of the Non-Aligned will take place on the 12th-15th of September, and happens to be a skate festival skate with a damn fine selection and a nice touch to the presentation you really shouldn't miss on Instagram. More info on the way...

In the same vein and chain of events, the program for this year's (ninth!) edition of the now classic Vladimir Film Festival just dropped and it's heavier than ever (like with every new iteration). Check it out and book your tickets - not even necessarily in that order.

"Dunja" / Rios Crew x Belgrade Zoo / PREMIERE

It's not just that the Budapest-based Rios Crew no longer needs an introduction, but also that they may not want any. They made another video featuring them alongside the Belgrade Zoo gang in Montenegro then zoning around Croatia with some old acquaintance, called "Dunja" (see below!), regardless of the mere existence of such considerations.

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