Marcello Gouvea

Freedom, consciousness, unity

'tis how one translates the title of this new video from Crail Trucks, a Brazilian brand strong of three decades of local operation; and what's new, behind the wheel of the production, one can also be delighted to find the duo of Luis Moschioni and Cotinz (the man behind the independent video "DOPPELGANGER", interviewed about said piece here); quite the quality seal, and a commitment so strong they also appear to be the M.V.P.'s from the other side of the camera, having gotten quite the collection of remarkable footage. What was supposed to be a more ambitious production eventually had to be summed up into an eight-minute capsule, due to the introduction of Covid-19 into the worldwide equation; no biggie here though as far as the impact is concerned - as in terms of originality, styles and landscapes, this edit packs quite the punch!

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