jean spinosa


After plenty of references already to Francesco CareriLe Corbusier and Guy Debord - amongst others - throughout the past few years and the corresponding output of video productions, Brazilian collective Flanantes is back "FLANATOPIAS" and this time, it is a concept forged by French philosopher Michel Foucault that gets explored, for the sake of a nearly half-hour-long piece that doesn't fail at pairing up H.D. documentation with experimental editing. Of course, as always, the skateboarding is remarkable and that's despite the rough spots and sketchy year; an impressive number of faces make an appearance, too, representing just as many unique styles - although, the best observers will quickly spot the likes of Luis MoschioniSergio Santoro or Hernando "Nańo" Ramirez (ASCO Skateboarding C.E.O.), as they've regularly been featured on LIVE before too. All produced by Brazilian magazine CemporcentoSKATE, with an exclusive photo gallery here, alongside words of introduction by Leonardo Brandão :

"Heterotopia is a concept created by French philosopher Michel Foucault; the term means the invention of new spaces within the pre-existing spaces themselves.

Skateboarding, for example, is heterotopic. With it, a handrail is no longer a handrail, nor is a bench just a bench.

In addition, we must not forget the great heterotopy mentioned by Foucault: the ship, which is the quintessential figure of the nineteenth century. The English ships in the seas, or the transatlantic ships, those large pieces of space that float in the immense space of the sea.

According to this logic, heterotopia can also be the skateboard itself: a tiny piece of space compared to the ship, a metaphor for what is happening today - unlike the ship, the space it traverses offers comfort, luxury and security, carrying its own charge of insecurity, survival instict, scarcity of resources and rarefied space.

Skateboard sends imagination back to the time of the first boatmen who had nothing but row boats. Except skaters aren't in the seas or oceans - they are in the cities, their heterotopias are urban, drifting - they are flanantopias." Leonardo Brandão for CemporcentoSKATE.

Oh and, word on the street is a brand new Flanantes edit - again another one! - might be just about to drop, soon...

Freedom, consciousness, unity

'tis how one translates the title of this new video from Crail Trucks, a Brazilian brand strong of three decades of local operation; and what's new, behind the wheel of the production, one can also be delighted to find the duo of Luis Moschioni and Cotinz (the man behind the independent video "DOPPELGANGER", interviewed about said piece here); quite the quality seal, and a commitment so strong they also appear to be the M.V.P.'s from the other side of the camera, having gotten quite the collection of remarkable footage. What was supposed to be a more ambitious production eventually had to be summed up into an eight-minute capsule, due to the introduction of Covid-19 into the worldwide equation; no biggie here though as far as the impact is concerned - as in terms of originality, styles and landscapes, this edit packs quite the punch!


In addition to the always outstandingly creative, insanely rugged, against-all-odds excellent street skateboarding from the cream of the crop of Brazilian skateboarding, what we appreciate in Murilo Romão's frequent productions (the former ones we've introduced to you before, here) is his will, as a true filmmaker, to push the envelope of the medium of the skate video, and the spectrum of its language.

His works along with his collective Flanantes transcends the documentation of hard-hitting urban stunts (amongst other various reinterpretations of apparently quite hostile settings), by always placing it at the core of a given, coherent context.

This time, it is the body of work of Italian architect Francesco Careri that caught his attention for long enough that he articulated his whole new full-length film around an idea that we'll let him go in depth about, below:

"Francesco Careri, dans son ouvrage classique 'Walkscapes : la marche comme pratique esthétique', détaille les avantages de la marche, de l'exploration et d'à quel point il peut être bénéfique pour l'humain de s'égarer car, parmi les cultures dites primitives, les sédentaires qui ne se perdaient jamais ne progressaient jamais autant que les peuples nomades. Vers la fin du livre, il détaille la ville de Zonzo, une métropole imaginaire et métaphorique qui serait une ville dans la ville ; à mon esprit, c'est très proche des skateurs, à la perpétuelle recherche de Zonzo dans leurs déplacements imprévisibles. "Zonzo", cette nouvelle vidéo Flanantes, est infusée de cette pulsion d'explorer de nouvelles zones de la ville, ou de sa périphérie ; des zones abandonnées, des lieux en transformation spatiale comme temporelle et finalement, on se rend compte qu'en pratique, qui perd en temps gagne en espace." - Murilo Romão

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