matheus marques

Inferno Verde

"INFERNO VERDE" is one nifty twenty-minute Sony VX-1000 trip to Manaus, Brazil, essentially the pulsating metropolitan heart of the Amazon, round trip and all expenses paid by Costume, the local brand LIVE hasn't been without sharing some of the former productions from before, itself led by Adonis Perfeito and his intrinsic drive to represent. To the equally-on-point platform Black Media Skate, he recites:

"« Green hell, green paradise; this is the classic Amazon where the past is common and synonymous with gigantic snakes and magic fish... » once said Glauber Rocha in his short film 'AMAZONAS, AMAZONAS' (1966).

For five years, we've been conducting ethnological studies, digging deep searching Manaus' alleys and landscapes for the summits of this 'green hell'.

A region rooted into the very old world, entranced by its situation in between water aplenty and luxurious vegetation that cracks concrete and asphalt, where alligators, jaguars and sloths fight for civility. One odd mix of creation and creatures, natural life and artificial death."

For the average skater now, this notably translates under the form of original - and crazy - spots, duly exploited by a collective of efficient and creative individuals, including Felipe OliveiraCotinz, Luis Moschioni and many more remarkable stylers. Ah and the editing and soundtrack are top notch, too!


Costume is ran out of Manaus by local skateboarding (and video ripping) great Manitou: the ever-so-mysterious Adonis. For those who might have skated through most of their geography classes, Manaus is located in the North of Brazil; with a population of more than two million, it is the most populous city of both the Brazilian state of Amazonas and the Amazon rainforest.

Adonis has been skating since 1987, never quite stopped since and was eating VX-1000 ribbon cables for breakfast for most of that timespan (as can attest i.e.. this recent montage, or the Costume full-length), this new piece "Indigência" actually represents the first HD Costume edit. And why not? The style remains the same, and the exoticism of Manaus only pops out more. And not just to us viewers, apparently - as the video is saturated with creative spots and moves that shouldn't be so obvious.

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