Nicola Del Sarto


Well, it just so appears that the Italian folks running Meaningless Productions aren't playing around (or if they are, then they do it just right); after getting us all accustomed to Patrick Frunzio's skills behind the lens and computer, and all the while he's busy working on more, today, they are being represented by Matteo Ricci via "IMMORTALI": fifteen minutes just as beautifully crafted in a style typical of the one of the house, now well established, featuring a cascade of mostly Italian skateboarders sharing the dislike of getting stuck in one place it seems - indeed, the footage was collected all over Italy (Florence, Milan, Trieste, Naples, Rome...) but even beyond, too - from Slovenia to Los Angeles, and going through Malmö, Copenhagen and Barcelona... Exactly the nearly irresponsible stimulus one needs right now to fuel their hatred for quarantine - watch at your own risk!

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