nino jurlina


Yes, this edit has been online for two years now and no, it never got old since - as the real ones already know - sincere and finely executed skateboarding never ages. Also, an opportunity to invite you to (re-)watch "BROTHERS", the full-length video by Nino Jurlina, interviewed here and still at the head of Simple Skateboards, straight out of his humble workshop in the midst of the fantastic Croatian scene. Speaking of which, please make sure to stay tuned for Vladimir Film Festival-related news aplenty (including a brand new website), real soon!

Dino Coce / "Tabula Rasa" / PREMIERE / Raul Žgomba / INTERVIEW

A handful of years after Nikola Racan's "SOLSTICIJ" and a couple since Simple Skateboards' "BROTHERS", it is the turn of Raul Žgomba's "TABULA RASA" to emerge as one more remarkable independent full-length video production out of fertile Croatia. Some weeks earlier, the homies over at Free Skate Mag already shared Antonio Peković's section; as of today, the full piece on DVD is available straight from the filmmaker itself here, comprising more skateboarding from Nino Jurlina, Filip Tenšek, Karlo GluhačićElvis ButkovićMark Pogačar NikolićMiloš AčanskiZvonimir Mikić and, last but not least, Dino Coce, whose part LIVE is showcasing to you today. Like most great projects, this one wasn't without raising many a question so naturally, we caught up with Raul and Dino to get as many as possible out of the way, y'know, just in case!

PREMIERE / "Brothers" / Nino Jurlina / INTERVIEW

One of the perks of LIVE Skateboard Media is the opportunity to collaborate, curate and present the works of many underground artists with blossoming talent, and a common bond to one activity that in turn influenced lifetimes of stories to tell. Here we are very proud to showcase a new, amazing full-length video from Croatia: "Brothers", by Nino Jurlina, who also runs Simple Skateboards, a humble one-man operation with barely a Facebook page (but with a steady feed of videos on Mondays). Nino's whole enterprise really qualifies as an independent effort, quietly nurtured by hand, and with a certain appreciation for the tangible, the physical - sensible life in short; driven by his perception of his passion, the man has been a figure of the underground Croatian scene for quite a while. "Brothers" reflects just that and as such, is a beautiful piece the kind of which justifies the activity of skate media altogether. But before or after you dive head first into it, please take a look below as we jumped on the opportunity to catch up with Nino, and chit chat about his general direction!

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