Scott Bourne

"An Act Of Imagination"

I bet you didn't see that one coming: a kids book written by Scott Bourne… Inspired by his dad life, obviously, and the daily adventures it comes with, illustrated by his old accomplice, Todd Bratrud. Those two go back to their Consolidated days, and that new project only confirms their arts complement perfectlly each other, even when stepping away from their usual themes! So, first, have a look at the David Couliau-produced teaser, and if you know of a child with an endangered sense of imagination, don't hesitate! We dare you…

Meeting… Todd Francis!

Another rarely sung hero of skateboarding culture, this man is responsible for some of your favorite graphics over the years… Hell, you might even have a tattoo of one, somewhere on your body! We sent him the best interlocutor we could think of: Monsieur Bourne.Todd Francis has come up and/or drawn many of the graphics you may have been holding dearly over the years… And he hasn't slowed down with time. The release of Look Away, the book dedicated to his work gave us the chance to send his way an old colleague and friend.

Notes From The Black Box

Here is, finally, the documentary David Couliau just devoted to Scott Bourne. Enjoy!

Dialogue: Scott Bourne & David Couliau

Introducing our next Off Format and exclusive video: a documentary on Scott Bourne by David Couliau!

Best & Worst: Scott Bourne

He is finally publishing his first novel these days, and here is his very first interview on the subject…

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