Bret Gregory

Forty-Three Is Twelve!

Maybe you remember Calvin Millar, the Austin, Texas-based filmer who recently gifted the interwebs with this little gem of a Paris trip clip. Well he's back - and quite drastically, let's reckon as it's a full-length video he's delivering this time, for Elias Bingham's skateshop No-Comply just now celebrating its twelfth anniversary. "12 STREET" can be peeped no further than just above, without a surprise only to reveal itself as a slick watch, full of Roger decks, great vibes and one amazing Ryan Thompson part!

Birthday Pool party

After treating us well with La Armonía, Eric Nguyen comes back, with the same team in front of his fisheye, to celebrate the nine springs of the Huston’s Select skateshop by offering us a video that smells like summer, holidays and pool parties.

Dallas likes it raw.

Meanwhile in Dallas, they skate hard! Nice little edit from a local brand, and our little boost for this monday morning!

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