Daido Moriyama

Shinpei Ueno x Daidō Moriyama

A new audiovisual gem from Japanese genius Shinpei Ueno, most renowned as the head of Tightbooth (the collective responsible for the video series, "Lenz"; the third of which is on the way, and may we recommend to the more curious of you to try and get their hands on the rare "Dialogue Between Insiders"), and as an Evisen rider. For those of you who haven't kept up - Evisen is Katsumi Minami's board company - the man behind the excellent independent full-length video "Night Prowler" about a decade back - clearly a must see, if only for Deshi's and Rich Adler's equally mindblowing, respective sections...

Anyway, Shinpei seems to be rolling and has been up to collaborating with world famous Japanese photographer Daidō Moriyama. We were in the know about the Evisen board series, but unaware of the following installation! Which took place at Qucon Tokyo, Shinpei's new skate, shop and gallery space it seems like, and consisted in photo print-scented transition sessions, literally moving negative film projections and brillant skate performance by some of the local modern style icons as a means of live human interaction. Oh, and Moriyama's interpretation of our absurd little urban stunt boarding thing has to be worth one's time as well!

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