Caleb Ocasio

Bust alert!

Well, that is one hell of a good day for fans of rough spots! The Bust Crew are on it, teaming up with the Venue homies, so this is a heavy dose of rarely seen and most likely unskatable street furniture…

Gilbert Alert!

It is technically impossible to be in desperate need of Gilbert Crockett, considering his ability to produce quality footage (if you doubt that statement, just type his name in our research bar!), but this should get you as stokedas we are: a sort of raw best-of from Old Dominion, the homie video where he does play a big role, obviously, but where all his buddies are way more than just fillers. This is the skateboarding we like, with the vibe we dig!

Raw Caleb!

Just a little reminder that Caleb Ocasio has got it… But, well, we've already told you, right?


Soft power

Off course, having Gilbert Crokett in the crew must help fuel the fire… But Caleb Ocasio got his own take on things, even when applied to the same red bricks. Really nice part, full of finesse despite the amount of pebbles he seems to power through on more than one occasion! Nice sound.


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