Daniel Grönwall


Phil Evans is back with a new themed edit, this time based around the photographic formats that shaped the history of skateboarding on paper, and with also a fine selection of Malmö skaters you don't necessarely se often. Add a custom soundtrack by Gibbo, and you are in for a treat!

Charles' tip: Daniel Grönwall

"Always pristine! You could even find common points with Nestor Judkins, in that sense…" Word, Charles!


Do you know many dudes that would film those kind of lines for a documentary? We don't! Proof that Daniel Grönwall is the talented kind…

Nothern air

With his light touch, Daniel Grönwall is still always fully committed to his tricks, and is amongst this Swedish that keep us wondering what's in the water other there, or in the air… So, Daniel just joined Kaleidoscope, another proof of the health and divervisity of the Malmö skateboard scene.

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