

Yep, they are announcing us a full-length, at Politic, and considering the quality of their riders, and of their video productions, we are just happy now… Hell, September is around the corner, isn't it? Yep, get used to it… With a Taylor Nawrocki on top of his game at the moment, a Caddo, a… Well, yeah, we told you it was good shit!

Derm alert!

Young Derm had taken our collective heart by surprise a few months ago: king of the "non-spots" and of the unpredictable trick, he repeats the performance with unexpected moves where you would not want to skate, at about every clip in here. Also, add a solid back up from the whole Politic crew, and Danny Renaud footage that will put a smile on the grumpiest amongst us old men…


Let's be frank, some morning, that internet skateboarding thing is not that exciting, in between mean streetparks edits and uninspired Jumps of Death… But, sometimes, sometimes, boom: one fellow appears out of nowhere, and keeps you on the tip of your chair at each landing! Not out of fear, but excitement, because you really didn't see that trick coming! Derm is one them, and his part from Brick City Street Styles should put a smile back on your face for day, and even longer than that!



No "after black hammers", here, and the filming is sometimes shaky, but that Derm guy seems like he can roll over anything you'll throw in his path, and often with good ideas, like the frontside wallride nose manual… Check it out!


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Wait to pass announcement...