Julien Ducas

Soy, Chuck, Laurent & Marvin

Tigre d'Eau Douce is the music project of Paris-based saxophonist Laurent Bardainne, whose virtuous yet elegant flow isn't without reminiscent of Soy Panday's on a skateboard; maybe it's not much of a coincidence, then, if said Soy just so happens to be the illustrator of the band's record cover artwork. From that point on, it was only the next logical step for him to break through one more dimension, and find himself wandering through the streets of the French capital - on wheels and footage - alongside Antoine "Chuck" Jouguet for Julien Ducas's lens, and the official video clip for the band's newest release: "Marvin"! A feat accomplished with taste on all possible ends, for optimized delight to your senses before the first push of the day.

For more recent footage of Soy, Chuck and Magenta representatives in the more traditional VX-1000 format, may LIVE send you back to Max Guyot's recent "Brotherhood", while more things are cooking!


It is official; Toulouse is the capitol of French skateboarding… With a local son of the caliber of Lucas Puig, they had some good base, but let’s list all the other pluses of the local scene:

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