Manuel Muller

Iron, lion, Nyon

What better way to make your Sunday than by running into a solid skate montage straight out of a striving, yet widely unrecognized scene - just one instance out of a good billion of them out there, really - despite the locals' best efforts on the field? Well at least, that's what we're more than happy to share with you today, under the form of this top notch edit made in Nyon, Switzerland - a small city strong of its seclusion from skate pop culture, its twenty thousand inhabitants and Arthur Du Sordet's talent when it comes to documentation duties, and the man didn't shy away from telling us a bit more:

"Just to contextualize, "Cranscityclub" or "333" is a skate collective type of thing that we run to try and push skating in our small town of Nyon, Switzerland. 

We organize skate lessons for the youth, contests, music gigs and we're basically the link between skateboarders and the local authorities - they entrust us with skatepark projects and whatnot.
Although we don't have 'flashy' skaters, the scene here is pretty huge; however, being a small town, we tend to feel kind of disconnected from the rest of the Swiss skate microcosm.
But that's only more fuel for my motivation when it comes to filming and dropping edits, as though to 'put Nyon on the map'!" - Arthur Du Sordet
And this particular edit, "333 x LEBLYZAR" is the opportunity for Ebly Kaeslin's rather unique style to shine - the man clearly doesn't care for the hottest trends in trick selection or, at least, knows how to retain only the best elements from them, it seems. The contrasted black and a white works well here, and the final result isn't without being reminiscent of "The Strongest of the Strange" by Pontus Alv, or some of the early Heroin videos, even - just to mention another trait that most people shouldn't complain about, really!

It’s show time !

Nico Pasquali all in power in his new “Show time” part for 242 skateboards. Filmed by Manuel Muller, who told us that Nico would have already quit skateboarding something like twelve times, to finally film a few tricks every six to eight months. Well, I think we’d all like “quit skateboarding” as well.

Spiral Tribe / Galerie

Tomorrow, we will present you, as a Live exclusive, a new full length from Switzerland, Spiral Tribe, a 242 skateboards and Redline co-production… Two of the main actors in the country joined forces to compile an hour of the Swiss skating we've grown to like: tech and clean. Prepare yourself to meet the new Helvetian generation, and to also be reminded that the older dogs are still ripping! Oh, and and if you find your self scratching your head at some of the photo in this slide show, be warned that Spiral Tribe might have the best intro kit we have seen in a skate video in, well, in a really long time!

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