Marcus Bruggmann

Meanwhile, in Toronto…

Where two of the crews we discus the most –the Swiss O.G. 2000 and the Canadian Club Gear, make for the best collabo one could have dream of: them just skating them streets together!

Sebba's tip!

When someone who has been skating for around thirty years tells you to check out some young bucks edit, you sure do! Realize this is the LFE crew he's taking about, and you get ready from some serious shredding from both sides of the Franco-Swiss border. With an ever full of pop Jordan Queijo!


Now, beware, heavy shit! Our favorite Swiss boys are already back, and and in full force, with a video obviously rich in SwissTech™, but also conceptual without ever losing its interest. A narrative that could remind you of  Downtown 81, and car vandalism reaching contemporary art levels: OG2000 represent!

Luc Boimond "No Filter" / PREMIERE

As promised yesterday, in the interview introducing you to that phenomenon, here is the latest part from Luc, young Geneva local of the productive kind, despite some recent knee troubles! Extract from the recent David Goldsworthy production, No Filter, and in line with the spirit of Swiss Tech™ a tradition he has been holding the torch of, while adding his modern touch with his ability to tackle rough spots. Add a solid dose of pop, and you got yourself a fine young man, today a LIVE exclusive!


Let's catch up with our favorite Swiss crew, with a new edit that is "modern rap" to the tilt, and full of that good skating they got us used it! Don't take the rap comment badly, guys, we love you… Plus, this will keep you waiting for the up-coming Luc Boimond interview and new part!

LFE 2016

The young Geneva squad is back ripping as they always do! Throw in there in there also what appears to be a new spot that is completely crazy!

OG2K - VISION 2000

Beware, the OG2000 Geneva locs are preparing a fat come-back, to follow their last year full-length! This time again, they are going in, and it should be good… The real life premiere is scheduled on October 31st, but you should be watching on LIVE around the same time, also… In the meantime, prepare yourself for une nouvelle vision de la vie! Now, that's a program.

Helvetian tip: "Melanphorie"

So for the last couple days, we've been getting instant messages, DM's and whatever ways people choose to communicate with these days to tell us how great this independent production out of Switzerland is, to the point where we had to give it a go, and believe it or not, but, yep, you should get yourself half an hour and watch Melanphorie, and for many good reasons, including the fact that it will get you a schooling on what is happening these days in Switzerland!

Spiral Tribe / Kobra

Ten days ago, we were presenting you, as a Live exclusive for a week-end, Spiral Tribe, the latest 242 skateboards full-length, and this part will give you a good idea of what you might have missed: street skating, tech and varied, in true classic and rejoicing Swiss form! Here is a perfect example of the new local generation: young Marcus Bruggman, also known as Kobra in some more techno-core circles, or so it seems…

Spiral Tribe / Galerie

Tomorrow, we will present you, as a Live exclusive, a new full length from Switzerland, Spiral Tribe, a 242 skateboards and Redline co-production… Two of the main actors in the country joined forces to compile an hour of the Swiss skating we've grown to like: tech and clean. Prepare yourself to meet the new Helvetian generation, and to also be reminded that the older dogs are still ripping! Oh, and and if you find your self scratching your head at some of the photo in this slide show, be warned that Spiral Tribe might have the best intro kit we have seen in a skate video in, well, in a really long time!

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