Olivier Boucle Durou

The A side!

We were recently proposed the Unemployed version, but here is the official version of this trip to Marseille the French Emerica team just took, including here all the hammers, and more! On will note the powerful Matisse, and enjoy our very own PJ in fine form!

Meeting… Olivier "Boucle" Durou!

Let's get back on “Boucle” case, so you get a bit more than a sick part from him this week…

Olivier "Boucle" Durou / Premiere

Olivier Durou, is more widely known in France as "Boucle" for hair related reasons, and most likely associated to Toulouse, and therefore to a type of tech skating popular in the "Ville Rose". Nonetheless, Olivier stands out with his own approach to spots, with notably a great use of his natural pop. This part, filmed and edited by Julio Sola, illustrates perfectly that point! Enjoy it as Live exclusive, and expect an interview to learn more about "Boucle" and his whereabouts… Stay tuned!

Mission: impossible

Make streetpark footage interesting, now that's not an easy task… These guys do! Plus Marseille favourite son/gadfather, Momo is in there!

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