Raven Tershay

No beauty…

Only Beasts! Puns aside, great mood and a big sesh at that one DIY spot on the outskirts of S.F… If this does not get you itchy to get out of town this week-end and go meet another crew somewhere, well, what are we supposed to?

Charles' greatest tip

No idea on how and why this is surfacing in this way, but let's just make it official: Stevie Perez is a hero, whether filmed in HD or not! And absolutely everything about this edit is perfect…

American dream

One major bonus if you build a DIY spot –well, if you turn it into a giant skatepark, at least!– in the land of Americans, is that you could easily end up with Grant Taylor flying over the whole thing, at heights never seen before… If, on top of it, you picked a piece of land in a suburb of San Francisco that got a bad rap, you might even see Julian Stranger skateboarding, and if that's not a plus, we don't know what one is…

Hip hop hooray

Quiet day, uhh? Let's get this party started through this Trunk Boyz compilation, with a modern music masterpiece slapped over it! A great occasion to watch once again that pool Berle line that is just amazing…

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