Tommy May

Filharmonia Skateboarding / LEEF STORY / Krzysztof Poskrobko / INTERVIEW

As choke-full of odds as it essentially is, the world most often turns out to be an unfair place, especially when it comes to recognizing the labor of people who coincidentally weren't born into some "hot spot", regularly discouraging their efforts - if not their ambition. Consequently, for those, another way of channeling their drive is by refocusing on what really matters: the cultural transmission, and not just certain material means only best employed towards it realization, when it all comes down to it.
If Poland-based Krzysztof Poskrobko's brand Filharmonia officially announced its retirement just a few months back and was brought to our attention just a bit too late by his first name and filming session companion Krzysztof Godek (interviewed here - and the man has been dropping parts from the Repeat video "IF YOU DON'T SKATE, DON'T START" weekly on his YouTube channel as of late, here), sometimes also cruelly, pure skateboarding is timeless and to this day, the fact stands that the Filharmonia full-length productions "LEEF STORY" and its predecessor "LLUF SONG" are impeccable works.
Comparably to other independent productions such as Nikola Racan's "SOLSTICIJ" or the equally Polish Couch Raiders' "CONNECTIONS", they are the result of not just filming sessions but full-on thought processes and personal evolution of the author throughout a timespan of several years spent traveling the world and maturing, skateboard under the feet, camera in hand and a vision in mind.
Krzysztof's sharp eye for detail, good taste and cinematic atmosphere only perspires through those works as much as the strength of his motivation, so it was no surprise when after we first got in touch with him to be recounted his "LEEF STORY", the words we heard back turned out to be pretty heartfelt. Make sure not to miss "LLUF SONG", below!


Teddie is not just the first name of London O.G. and Long Live South Bank activist Greg Conroy's most recent offspring (congratulations again!); it doubles up as the title for George Toland's new full-length, filmed for Greg's collective: Serious Adult over the span of eleven months, from November 2017 to October 2018, when it got exported just in time for the latest edition of the constantly expanding (and bubbling) Vladimir Film Festival. The lads did send it hard, and not just on local turf either  as they also got footage whilst on trips to Marseille (France), Zaragoza (Spain) and Pula (Croatia). By no means a stranger to the VX-1000 by now, George's filming is incredible, and only sublimed by contributions from Rémi Luciani, Chris Williams and Luke Herb (when Tom Delion was in charge of the Super 8). "Teddie" hits like a brick you'd splatter over upon catching a London sidewalk crack, and is packed with a solid roster of stylers dominating some improvised playgrounds of quite the unpractical type with incredible ease!

Tom Delion, Jack Soden, Sebastian Lemus and Darwin all have individual sections, when the rest of the video is riddled with friendly appearances by Greg Conroy, Max Critchlow, George Booth-Cole, Chris Garcia, Lewis Bell, Graham Davies, Harry Turner, C.J. Sewell Gayle, Jorge de Torres, Sam Earl, Mikey Prentice, Joe Coward, Elliott Wright, Chris Mann, Tommy May, Glen Fox, Ryan Cunningham, Luka Pinto, Louis Woodhead, Myles Shankie, Sam Bunton and Will Stradling. A green tea-fueled, streets-infused explosive mix!

Brothers from different time zones

Lines, guys, lines! The Jet Lag Brothers sure know how to put them together!


Could it be that those red bricks are the reason visitors get so "irie" when in Amsterdam? Frank skateboards is not dead? So many questions…


So, a young man known as Tommy May just dropped one of the most interesting part of this new year, and it seems that most of you are not aware of it… It's not like Tommy isn't coming out of nowhere either. Could it be the two songs in a row that play against him? At a time where 15 seconds is the new ideal format, seven minutes of creative, powerful, technical and fun skateboarding might just be too much for our saturated brains to process… Will Tommy fall victim to the Fazilov syndrome, where too much great skating weirdly ends up being too much? Time will tell, and until then, we do get a chance to joke about how Tommy May understands "the vibe about skating rocks"!

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