Glen Fox

Minuit Exp. 3

Yoan Taillandier of Minuit fame and glory just came back to leave his yearly mark on your retinas via the web release of "MINUIT EXP. 3" (thus the sequel to "EXP. 1", "2" and really so much more skate video history): four minutes and some crumbs worth of the best maneuvered Sony VX-1000 in the game for over a decade now, and mostly Bordeaux-based action with, notably, footage of Futoshi Tokuyama's French vacation way back in 2015. Coincidentally making for the perfect Magenta-tinted transition to also point at this new Soy Panday Lyon clip by Bastien Regeste, here!

Literal r(a)ising sun

The first excerpt from the new Far East Skate Network DVD "BEYOND THE BROADCASTINGS" (available straight from them here, and in Europe here) to pop up online is no other than Léo Valls' part, filmed by Shigeta Iha at the service of Takahiro Morita's vision and theory - one according to which, allegedly, early morning energy is especially favorable to purely spontaneous skateboarding. And so that's how, throughout one month back in 2014 (right after the filming of the Magenta full-length video "JUST CRUISE"), filming meet-ups were arranged every Saturday, 5:30 A.M. at the Sunplaza spot in Nakano, Tokyo prior to exploring the neighboring streets and alleyways, in search of the next curb to exploit - and let's not even get into the now world-renowned metaru banksu de gozaimasu... The footage took its time to show up, but the energy only aged like the finest of Bordeaux wines - and here's perhaps an opportunity to remind you, on a side note, about the recent release of "BORDEAUX EXPOSURE III" by Julien Januszkiewicz, here. The - original - soundtrack is by the amazing Yoshiharu Yoshida (of O.P.S.B.), and it's Léo's wife and newly a mother, Lauren, who sings and will teach you some yoga.

Take Five (Pushes)

Push Periodical, the independent, print photography-oriented skate mag orchestrated by legendary photographer from the U.K. Richard Hart (interviewed by LIVE here), celebrates its five years of existence (only? already?) as a petite entreprise with "5", an exclusive edit signed by just-as-legendary Sony VX-1000 wizard Zach Chamberlin which revisits a past half-of-a-decade mostly spent on the road - or when the San Francisco hills decide to lead you somewhere in between Portugal and Hungary... On the program: nearly forty skaters documented throughout that timespan, whose most footage has found a home in different productions in the meantime and yet, they manage to take a whole new flavo(u)r here - which isn't that surprising as Rich can definitely school anyone on how clementines really make camembert come alive, and that's in spite of all their preconceived notions. Behind the camera, in addition to Zach: Colin Read, Romain Batard, Chris Thiessen, Grant Yasura... And Dan Wolfe, for the final tribute to Keith Hufnagel - of course. The soundtrack is by a longtime friend of Richard's: Brigid Dawson.

Minuit Exp. 2

Yoan Taillandier's present for this end-of-the-year's festivities bears the title "MINUIT EXP. 2" and serves as the announcement of a new Minuit website soon to pop up, or so it seems. What we get is four minutes of his trademark, hard-hitting Sony VX-1000 signature style, here focused on some Bordeaux skateboarding of the 2015 vintage, only seeing the light of day just now. Lots o' Glen Fox, some visiting James Coleman, Lui Araki and James Whineray sprinkled through here and there, Olivier Ente repping the O.G.'s alongside Patrick Houngtry and, also, a rather strong Blobys presence.

Talking things James Coleman, let us invite you to take a look at "HOT PLATE", Marshall Nicholson's new video. And you can also follow Minuit on YouTube, here!

Hey man what's your style?

At the dawn of fall twenty twenty, the Magenta Skateboards epos keeps celebrating its tenth year of existence by honoring, in particular, its Parisian origins and this is exactly where this "BOULEVARD" stands, as a four-minute edit of VX-1000 footage collected by Quentin Delebecque (whose works we've recently presented to you here) and Romain Batard throughout the intertwined threads of both the streets of the French capital and last summer. On the menu: lotso' Soy clips (complete with his "STATIC III" footwear game), plenty more from Shogo Zama who apparently didn't struggle with adapting to the local terrain, and the heavy return of Masaki Ui's trademark violence and that's alongside cousins Alexis Jamet, Julien Oye, Emilien Bonnet, Antoine Jouguet and the whole extended family. All punctuated by a handful of Ruben Spelta featurings, some fancy two-wheel-driving courtesy of Olivier Ente, and Vivien and Glen's vacation footage!

Magenta is ten!

With the year twenty twenty comes, amongst many other complete revolutions, the tenth anniversary of France's top plank (and general qualitative artefact) purveyors: Magenta Skateboards, and of their progressive - under every sense of the term - contribution to skateboarding's ever-so-new world order, like a happenstance cultural coup d'état that would have taken the whole past decade by storm. Still the brainchild of Paris-based artist Soy Panday and of brotherly duo Vivien and Jean Feil, Magenta just marked the occasion by appropriately dropping an anniversary-themed capsule (first come, first serve), and also by catching up with Sylvain Robineau again for the span of this short film: "STILL IN BUSINESS", featuring a cast of family members. You might remember Sylvain's works: "WHICH IS TO BE THE MASTER?" and "PARISIEN", amongst many other personal pieces one can retrace the existence of on Dailymotion, for instance.

Also on the menu, and the cake atop of the cherry: this "10 YEARS MIXTAPE" consisting in, well, a sugar-filled recap of the brand's video offering ever since its inception, cooked by Manolo's Tapes, complemented by an exclusive article on the Magenta website here, and even by a brand new Soy Panday interview by Matt Broadley for Parade World, here - all as to better get you ready for the next decade to come!

Magenta welcomes Shogo Zama

Twenty twenty as a year already marks one decade of existence for Magenta Skateboards, an original initiative by the Feil brotherhood (Jean and Vivien) and Soy Panday; now, as though to celebrate this anniversary, they're inviting Japanese style master Shogo Zama onto the team. The video announcement, entirely composed in Paris, is the work of Romain Batard, and Vivien, Soy, Glen Fox as well as Ruben Spelta also pay their dues, dotting the timeline with remarkable appearances.

As bonus - and in our best attempt at not letting this one slip through the cracks in spite of the currently merciless pace of video releases - here is the new full-length video "VESTIGES" by Eric Mertz (the independent filmmaker behind "PORTALS" LIVE interviewed a while back here), a Strasbourg-based production in which Soy and Vivien, amongst many others, can be spotted performing more magic tricks amidst a twenty-minute-long, artfully crafted universe.

Storia Italiana

Ten new minutes of Magenta-tinted goodness via the master VX-1000 skills of the craft's Michaelangelo: Zach Chamberlin, are nothing to turn down. And in this case, we're talking footage of most of the crew's holidays in Milan, Italy (making for the perfect transition with René Olivo's brand new documentary on the local scene), a city that's essentially become their secondary residency after many a stay there this year - in between random vagrancies to destinations such as Naples or Rome.

This video drops marks the simultaneous one of the brand's new seasonal collection, but also the official inclusion of Milanese youngster Ruben Spelta to its roster; an occasion for which Paris seemed to be on his radar a lot - you'll see! A full recap of those fun times punctuated by photos snapped by the whole crew on disposable cameras can be found on the Magenta website, here !

PREMIERE / Videostill / Dom Diaz / INTERVIEW

Now, the name of Dom Diaz might be unknown to a lot of you as the man himself is still young and also operating from Guadalajara in Mexico - another country the skate scene of which comes with its lots of criminally underrepresented local talents, on the worldwide radar. A longtime big VX-1000 and film enthusiast, Dom has released a few web edits before under the alias Zimm Skateboarding and now, "VIDEOSTILL" is the title of his new full-length video, four years in the making. The whole film is the subject of today's premiere and, to celebrate, we caught up with the author for some public chit chat.

Third base

"Third Base" is a new little audiovisual gem brought to us by a certain Thomas Ormonde, dropping out of the blue and retracing a year of skateboarding around Tokyo with the local Adidas riders. The list of which is quite prestigious, including - amongst others - Hiroki Muraoka, Shin Sanbongi, Yoshiaki Toeda, Seimi Miyahara and Kento Yoshioka, but also some occasional transplants such as the worldwide Laurence Keefe, or a Glen Fox whose section is rumored to have been filmed in a three-hour streak - nothing surprising as the man obviously has the ability to bend time and space. The cherry on the cake here is the filmmaking which, with some nice sixteen millimeters and actually well-made, probably alone warrants a peep. Another good reason would be to get a nice appetizer for the upcoming "LENZ 3" (which we were bringing up just earlier), the next Tightbooth full-length, out no sooner than when it's done.


The Magenta homies were recently back in India, with our Push Periodical colleague, and Patrick Wallner. Or where the viewers finds out there is a place on the earth where the streets move as rapidly as Glen Fox does… And not that many cultures can claim that!

Summit of the Non-Aligned / 5W's!

Skateboarding has definitely been seeing the flourishing of independent happenings, as though a form of natural resistance to mass culture by its most sincerely devoted enthusiasts. As the official 2019 program for the ninth (!) edition of the Croatian Vladimir Film Festival just dropped, in Belgrade, the Summit of the Non-Aligned is just about to start (from today on, till September 15th), and as expected from passionate people whose communication is more akin to sponataneous expression than malign marketing, it probably wouldn't have caught the attention of a wider scale audience if it hadn't been for word of mouth from acquainted artists who linked us up (i.e. Glen Fox and Nez Pez). Five minutes later and a phone call was in order...
Check out the Summit's website and Instagram feed, and enjoy the interview below, with activist David Soda.


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