Dennis Busenitz

Big Apple, big smoke!

The complete Adidas team in a photogenic location, you know it's gonna be good, and it for sure is! Everybody skates hard, including the newest addition here offically introduced: Mark Suciu. But what will remain, in the long run (pun intended), is the stealthiest line ever filmed on a skateboard while puffing on a cigarette, done effortlessly by Pete Eldridge. One that would make jealous even Dan Drehobl!

Surprise turn of event!

Since Jake Phelps looks like he has made up his mind about never giving him the Skater Of The Year title (for not being nice enough to him?), Dennis Busenitz recently focused all this energy toward a new goal: politic! Street politic, more likely, as this part dropping on Election Day seems to be the best street marketing campaign a candidate could ever dream of…
So, as the citizens of the U.S.A. are lining up to give their vote, we are guessing the two other camps must feel a bit worried about this clip.



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