Silas Baxter-Neal

Surf's up!

Well, yep, easy title to say the least, but what better way to sum up Shin Sanbongi's flow, here perfectly captured by Chris Mulhern? And what better way to kick off the week, with an overdose of style applied to less than facilitating urban landscapes? Add some Busenitz seasoning on top f it all, and you got your mandatory Monday watch!

Trip out…

Talk about killing it… The Adidas team is know for its ability to adapt to about any terrain, with class, but this trip to Japan allows us to realize how far skateboarding has gone into something amazing to watch territories. And, in the end, just like in football, Germany wins. Well, in our case, Dennis does!

Mid-City Merge

They here, all here, more or less, including a couple of the new heads, and all go hard in L.A. but in the end, the best part is seeing Busenitz and Lucas battle the same manual spots! Perfect.

Off Broadway…

Adidas in NYC, you know if it going to be good, especially considering the caliber of the new ams joining in, but Rodrigo… Goddam', Rodrigo!!!

Away Days

There is no way you would have missed the  24 hours online premiere, and have had enough time to analize it! Now, Away Days can be found here…

Hype away!

In order to keep you stoked till the online premiere, this episode is well charged in the skating you dig!

Hype away!

Nothing worse than "stress montages" as they are called (think about it!), but the Adidas boys manage to skip the part about crying about security guards not being nice, and even manage to make us laugh. As Lucas Puig states: "I am an asshole!". By the way, could the amount of footage of him being spilled around, could that mean he's got a good stash!??

Away Days, soon!

Question: if Tyshawn's hardflip and Miles' back tail are in here, well, what are they sitting on for the actual full-length!??

Thank you, Based AVE!

A FA / Hockey road trip, and edit finally free from the Thrasher player? Get ready for your adrenalin shot and that one trick by Anthony that is not to be fucked with…


We knew it, Silas Baxter-Neal is a quasi local in Japan… Therefore, he knew who to put in his luggage to have the best time in the Country of the Rising Sun. And, he was right!

GX1000 Habitat

It is all in the title, really, and it is all here from a ripping Sila, to Mr Dibbs beats!

Charles' tip: Silas Baxter-Neal

"You can never go wrong with Silas, he's a sure bet: never mediocre! Plus he demonstrates here how he earned the Wall god nickname."


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