Fabio Cristiano


Where our friend Murilo manages to get the permit to skate for three days only Praça Victor Civita, a privately owned space completely forbidden to any four wheelers, despite inviting shapes and forms… The whole thing also seem like a trap, but with the cream of Brazilian street skaters, they manage to make the best of their (short) time there!

Brotherhood Of The Feet

Marcel Veldman's Galerie feature was a hint on the fact that Kyron Davis, Maxime Geronzi, Wieger Van Wageningen, Luan Oliveira and Denny Pham did not go to Brazil just to juggle a football on the beach and, well, proof is in the digital pudding, here! Premiering on Live, at the same time as the real life premiere at the Nike SB London Am!

Live Skateboard MediaLive Skateboard Media

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