Denny Pham

"OSTALGHIA" / Guillaume Périmony

"OSTALGHIA" is a new edit by Guillaume Périmony, the man notably behind the notorious "Fishing Lines" clips with Michael Mackrodt, among many other productions you most definitely have encountered before browsing the Internets sometime over the past decade. Well for this one, Guillaume captured Micki again and took him to Belarus, accompanied by a certain Denny Pham (newly pro for Flip, for those who follow) and Giorgi Balkhamishvili. The spots are fresh in every possible sense of the term as most of them were nearly untouched to this day, as the country just opened its borders to foreigners without the need of a visa, facilitating access to a marble paradise. That's what's awaiting you, paired up with slick filmmaking and exotic lettering, like a sweet tender hug from good ol' Périm!

The Magic Number

The classic spots, the other ones hidden in back alleys, the old timers, the fresh faces, the locs and the tourists: they all here! Paris, Berlin and London are three cities more than rich in character, and this is what the De Paris Yearbook crew has been pushing on us for a couple years now, and their latest video production is in the direct logic of this editorial line. But, let's not forget that De Paris, Aus Berlin and Of London are –before all– books you will be more than happy to find on your shelves in a few years!

The Magic Number

Time to make some room on your shelves: De Paris Yearbook is back, still teamed up with its London sidekick, and now a Berlin based little brother! It will all be linked to a video project, and this should keep you excited about it all for a minute or two!

Brotherhood Of The Feet

Marcel Veldman's Galerie feature was a hint on the fact that Kyron Davis, Maxime Geronzi, Wieger Van Wageningen, Luan Oliveira and Denny Pham did not go to Brazil just to juggle a football on the beach and, well, proof is in the digital pudding, here! Premiering on Live, at the same time as the real life premiere at the Nike SB London Am!

Marcel Veldman / Brotherhood Of The Feet / Galerie

While waiting for the Brotherhood Of The Feet video and a Wieger Van Wageningen interview on Sunday, we propose you a portfolio from the Fluff man himself.

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