Luis Tolentino

Luis, da remix!

Here at Live, we have a special spot in our collective little heart, mostly from seeing skate when he was still a kid… But, on top of that, one can only stay speechless when facing his ability to fly some tricks definitely not suited for that, like on that frontside caballerial.


Swiss knife

This street only section from this summer's tour of Europe underlines the multi-function of the DVS team as a whole, to the point where one can wonder what kind of spot would leave them completely dry… Sure, on a wet mega-ramp, Daewon might have to tighten his trucks a little, but that would still count, right? Apart from that, let's note the improbable trick Luis Tolentino decided to get on that long, long ledge in Milano!

Charles' tip: ***ENRON***

"Your Monday drug!" For sure, Bronze has been all about the heavy stuff, and the transition to HD is not changing anything to that. Let's note the gangsterest roll away in a long time via Luis Tolentino's back lip to back tail, and the confirmation of super hero status for both Jordan Trahan and Aaron Herrington!

Raw Luis

To the surprise of many, Luis Tolentino is amongst those skaters we always keep an eye on, secretly hoping for a part that would truly make him shine. For the best reason there could be: after seeing him "in real life", you know that Luis doesn't skate like anyone else, and no one skates like Luis. And this is a beautiful thing. And, yep, that little edit does show a bit of that…


Pop, pop!

Luis Tolentino.

Texas rangers

A city that you don't really hear much about and team known for its diversity, and also a certain Daewon: you can't go wrong. When this ends up with a stack of Luis Tolentino footage, and some really good Flo Mirtain, you're off to a good start of the day!

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