Mark Baines


You're in for ledge game crash course, with some of the best Europeans at manipulating their board (and we're not speaking about circus tricks here!) including our very own Karl Salah!

Dom' alert!

The NB Numeric Italian squad recently went skating (really well) with their Brit counterparts on their own turf, but what we will keep out of all of it, is another demonstration of the homie Dom Henry's skills on uneven terrains!

Waiting For The World

History being an eternal cycle, the good people of Slam City Skates put the spotlight on one of the video production celebrating one of the golden age of British Skateboarding, the best possible way, the best possible way, by giving you a Who's Who of 2000 in the best possible quality. Make yourself a good cup of tea, and (re-)discover Dan Magee's masterpiece.

The story of their lives

Mark Baines has been on a seriously productive tip, recently, in front and behind the camera as well… And the other Story heads are far from lagging behind. Brit skateboarding to the bone…

The brick effect…

Fabric skateboards just dropped one of those edits that right away gives up its "UK-ness" from the perfect spots that are only skatable on Sundays from 11h45 to 11h48 during a change of security shifts to the unridable non-spots where the guys still get tech on… Yep, this is some Mark Baines goodness at his best, taken to another level by the new generation!

Baines alert!

Baines is still here! With his well crafted lines and his tech applied to whatever worst rolling grounds are thrown his way… And one can tell the Story Clothing youth is taking notes!

Classic stuff

Film a solo part on Super 8, considering one cartridge gives you three minutes of tries max', is no easy task… No worries for the always classy Mark Baines! Another quality production from North, the magazine entierely shoot on film! That makes for three levels of classics, that should do, right?


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