Karl Salah

Fellas attack!

How heavy can you be!?

Double deuce

Yep, those two make for a powerful pair, where their differences of approach just add up to multiply its effects on the viewers… Let's note that Mister Candon manages to reinvent the wheel (or at least find a new line!) at the Fontaine des Innocents spot, while Mister Salah straight up murders the tech side! All filmed by Yoan Taillandier, for Futur.

La crème anglaise

It's been a while since we see him maltreat all kinds of spots, that’s quite normal if the Numbers Edition 5 is dedicated to fiery Kyron Davis. The big American machine which is Numbers offers us the best of British phlegm through the cream of english skaters, from the Casper Brooker to Zach Delarue. Obviously a small dose of Magnus’ pop and we will even notice a nice line of our very own Karl Salah!


Juan Saavedra, Santiago Sasson, Karl Salah, Oscar Candon for the skating, and Yohan Taillandier behind the fisheye, obviously the result is impressive. This is the fourth opus of the Future Inc’s Timeline series, and the least we can say is that the technique is there. There is nothing that exceeds, each trick is clear and precise, a treat for the pupils.


You're in for ledge game crash course, with some of the best Europeans at manipulating their board (and we're not speaking about circus tricks here!) including our very own Karl Salah!

Blobys' alert!!!

A new edit "straight from Paris" from the Blobys: you know what to expect! But be ready for a bit more than that… The newest Parisian generation is here, and doing great, shoulder to shoulder with the visiting foreigner, and that one guy named Jean-Baptiste that seems to be from Lyon, from what we heard. But, the main thing, here, is that Vincent Touzery got a lot of the footage you want to see from him, here!


At NB#, if the team is more than serious, one can also feel the desire to push the visual boundaries, and this new edit pushes a little further Russell Houghten's experimentations, once again, without reaching bad taste territory… One will also note a rather in the zone Brandon Westgate!

Blobys alert!

You were daydreaming about it, well, here it is! A remix of the most famous Instagram accounts in the world, those belonging to the Blobys… The finest at his best, one could say, all rehashed by Hadrien Buhanic. And from the technique of Karl Salah to the impossibilities mastered by Kevin Rodrigues, you're in for a good show!

G alert!

The Futur heads goes the Italian way, and take the Mayor of République with them… The street we dig, captured by Yoan Taillandier: perfect!

Blobys alert!

They here! And from Karl Salah's lines to Vincent Touzery freetylin' it, they got something for everybody!


So, yeah, #lucassotyeveryyear, yes, Geronzi is at the top of his game, but let's note the confirmation of Karl Salah's "République Mayor" status (a crown handed by Dill, nonetheless…) and way more than than from him!

La Pause Café

A perfect mood for an October Sunday, but mainly some smooth tech galore in Paris, in between tourists with good taste, the always on point Karl Salah as the local, and a great surpise with Stephen Khou! Yep, this one is "100" as they say in the streets…


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