John Rattray

Waiting For The World

History being an eternal cycle, the good people of Slam City Skates put the spotlight on one of the video production celebrating one of the golden age of British Skateboarding, the best possible way, the best possible way, by giving you a Who's Who of 2000 in the best possible quality. Make yourself a good cup of tea, and (re-)discover Dan Magee's masterpiece.


Because, end of the day, he's the one you don't want to miss, here! Even if the edit, for as clever as it is, makes it sometimes confusing on who's doing what… Let's note a now bearded Marquise Henry that keeps on killing it, also!

Modus mode

With such a line-up  –from Grant Taylor to the late Lewis Marnell– you'd bet it's going to be good, but with a mini Nick Boserio part and a great selections of clips from many others, this should get you amped for the week-end!

Live Skateboard MediaLive Skateboard Media

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