Made in the garage

As many are discussing the Jenkem article about independent brands and their importance, this Scumco & Sons production drops at a perfect time! This company based in Pennsylvania is an excellent example of creativity and “made home”, far from Chinese factories, and their team is a direct extension of that school of thinking.

The Barefoot Contessa

Let’s salute every single trick displayed here, for what it is worth, including the now famous backside noseblunt, but the real “hammer” here is discussing aboriginal culture while wearing a hat celebrating… Eazy E! Kieran Reily demonstrate here that, from on side of this planet to the other, we are jut ONE.

Charles' tip: Will Baigent

My buddy Charles likes skaters with finesse and technical abilities, without having strict rules about what is "good" or "bad" in skateboarding… Basically, he always has a good advice!

"Another "street independantist" part! It's in the streets, and they are busy with pedestrians and cars and I dig the fs smith bs 180 out in the middle of the ledge!" A Street Feet production, a Toronto collective, if you want to know…


the daily unknown

What to tell you about George Simmonds? We don’t know him. So, yes, he has a good style, and good ideas on his board… That’s already quite something. Oh, yeah, he comes from Tasmania, that island that tries to escape the Australian continent. So, he literally is from the other side of the world. Now that’s something to ponder!


Meeting… Vivien Feil!

To celebrate the Panic In Gotham video, a little discussion about skating after Hurricane Sandy, parenting responsibilities, the interest of meeting foreign skateboarders and the future of Magenta skateboards.

It's sunny in Miami!

A Who’s Who of classy skaters with clips of Danny Renaud confirming his return to health, that’s always neat, but with the smooth and nervous Alex Davis we love, plus Danny Fuenzalida –the most criminally under-rated skater of his generation!– in rare form? We dig!

A slap in your face…

If you would list the components of this, visuals, music, clothing, it should not work. At All… But it does! And to whoever is going to complain about Ryan Sublette's trousers selection, we might answer that he is a direct lineage of the Blind era Mark Gonzales and Jason Lee. Take that you 90's lovers. He does what he wants, and that's it.

Let's say the DVD might be worth the investment!


Charles' tip: Bert Wootton

My buddy Charles likes skaters with finesse and technical abilities, without having strict rules about what is "good" or "bad" in skateboarding… Basically, he always has a good advice! “Isn’t that Bert Wootton pure class? A real good use of the Beastie Boys, hauling ass at spots and you’re always hard pressed to tell what he’s about to do beforehand.”
This Cosmic Vomit 2 is worth getting the DVD, we say!


it hurts my ears!

Fan of long choreographed sequences and soundtracks of good taste are not going to dig this one much, and, let's say it, you should just mute this! But, if you bear the post-constructivist editing, let's salute the fact that Sammy Idri doesn't seem too fazed to live in a town known for one single spot, and makes the most of his environment, with a big smile. And we can only back him on that!


the daily unknown

Nick Sciano is 19, nobody has ever heard of him, and he kills…


They trippin'

Just for the fact that this montage avoids totally the demo footage that usually plaques this type of exercise, it would be worth the attention, but with a Charles Collet in rare form and a sparked Spanky, the skating is varied and exciting. Plus any chance to look at Nestor Judkins on his board should be taken advantage of! A definitive contestant for the “classiest man in the world” award…


In Barcelona, they still skate the streets, even if some people try to tell you differently, and Anton Myhrvold proves it here, with technique and finesse, despite the rinsed spots and the asthmatic beat. This is a great appetizer for the Sweet x Skate Mafia video coming!



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