Luke Malaney

Stay Static

Today, it's Josh Stewart and his fellow Theories of Atlantis Illuminati's turn to help fix the world's craving for street action via the high-quality (on all terms) upload of the New Jersey section from the indie cult classic "STATIC III", featuring two legends as the state's ambassadors: Mark Wetzel (also interviewed on LIVE a few eons back regarding his segment in the Traffic video "LOOK LEFT", here) and Steve Durante.

On a side note, now's probably the best time to (re-)discover "LOOK LEFT" in full (the recommended portion for your health), here!

New Thirsty

Well, not so new anymore as the video itself is already nearing twelve years of age, but "New Thirsty" remains fresh to this day, being essentially a Popills full-length. Popills was the crew skating for Justin White's camera lens that also happened to be one of the first visible to ever release quality online edits pre-Youtube (let alone Instagram video) times back when just hosting one's own files on the web was a complete battle of its own.

But Popills' activity ended up influencing an entire generation, notably of aspiring skate filmmakers worldwide who happened to be onto this new www thing early enough on to catch a glimpse of it at its peak, and "New Thirsty" is the DVD monument those guys left behind. Out of the crew, some never stopped skating and still do to this day, Justin is now a teacher and the myth lives on via this full-length, the fragrance which is reminiscent of some of the best "STATIC" videos.

Full Traffic

We've already done our best to warn you about the gem that is the latest Traffic video (if one somehow doesn't count their recent Japan trip as canon), "Look Left"; a while back, we even went as far as interviewing Mark Wetzel and Joe Yates for your reading pleasure - and also to try and provide a window into the culture surrounding an authentic company that is deeply anchored in the history of street skateboarding. Well now, the whole piece is finally online, thanks to the homies at Theories, the distro and collective led by Josh Stewart - who's also the filmmaker here. Don't slip and forget to catch a glimpse of the recap of Josh's recent exhibition at Vladimir, retracing the twenty past years the man has spent working on his own series of independent skate videos, the classic "Static", before you go!

Tokyo Transfer II

Traffic Skateboards, the longtime running brand of East Coast street skating style pioneer Ricky Oyola (whose urban interpretation some are unknowingly biting to this day, still), is the fruit of a conscious effort to try and do things proper - an apparent motto they've been adhering to since the start. Most remarkably, they were some of the first to cultivate an active connection with the Japanese skate scene, by sponsoring Deshi (his incredible section in "Night Prowler", by Katsumi Minami who now runs Evisen, here) and producing quite the legendary trip video there: "Tokyo Transfer", back in 2009.

A decade later, and some months following the release of the Traffic full-length video "Look Left" (an occasion LIVE celebrated with you by interviewing Joe Yates and Mark Wetzel), well, they did just that again and returned to the Mecca of spots that are perfect for the first twenty seconds (and then rigorously forbidden, unless you enjoy getting clubbed by flashing red neon sticks). The line-up might have changed over the years, but the approach never did.

Japan is one of those places where the uninitiated tourist should watch both sides of the road before thinking of attempting to cross, due to the Japanese driving on what is, to most Westerners, the unusual lane... Hence the title "Look Right" (or one of its aspects, that is), as covered in the full article (with photos) on the TransWorld Skateboarding website.

And if you're still eager for some more, very fine Hiroki Muraoka, feel free to revisit one of the best video parts of last year, here...


We have been discussing the Chicago case, via the Deep Dish edits, for quite a bit, now, but this time, it is the Theories colleagues that went there to see what all the fuss was about, leaded by the fearless Josh Stewart… Un-surprisingly enough, our local hero, Brett Weinstein, steals the show by demonstrating an inherent ability at tackling shitty spots, usually after getting up from harsh slams. An edit you should, and will, watch over and over through the week-end, and more!

Raw power!

Traffic skateboards is back with a new full-length, and this part of Luke Malaney is already online, in order to get you pumped. And it usre will, as this (not so- young anymore) man is not afraid to physically attack the most abrasive surfaces, with still a soft touch about it. Raw finesse, if you will!

Traffic Update

Best news of this Monday morning: Traffic is back! And the new generation has decided to take upon representing as it should be the art of skating those streets that were not meant to be ripped… And from Brendan Carroll to Yonnie Cruz, they sure are raising the flag high! This should kick start your week, and put you out the door right away…

Charles' tip: Luke Malaney

"No stunt, no feast, but an overall coolness that is really enjoyable!" Plus, he's not afraid to grind far, far from the ground…

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