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  1. Making-of

    The most interesting, here, apart from giving us the occasion to witness the efforts that take filming a full length as important as Static III, is the chance to face the greatness of Danny Renaud and Olly Todd at their prime… Let's not even mention the only Sabback trick, a moment of pure grace on what actually looks like a trap disguised as a possible spot. But, well, Josh, when is the 4 dropping, seriously!?
  2. Come back?

    We could discuss Fred Gall's return to the bottle, the absolute anarchy of this montage, the quality (cough!) of the soundtrack, and other high brow subjects, but the ONLY thing that matters here is Danny Renaud's trick! Yep, he is skating again…
  3. Derm alert!

    Young Derm had taken our collective heart by surprise a few months ago: king of the "non-spots" and of the unpredictable trick, he repeats the performance with unexpected moves where you would not want to skate, at about every clip in here. Also, add a solid back up from the whole Politic crew, and Danny Renaud footage that will put a smile on the grumpiest amongst us old men…
  4. Spivey alert!

    So, this trip from the always on point Politic heads could easily be filed under "Renaud alert" or "Caddo alert", but let's use it to salute the fact that Jason Spivey officially enters our "watch out for this guy" group with, for the old timers amongst us, some Anthony Correa air, and not just for bun reasons…
  5. Division

    Yep, they are announcing us a full-length, at Politic, and considering the quality of their riders, and of their video productions, we are just happy now… Hell, September is around the corner, isn't it? Yep, get used to it… With a Taylor Nawrocki on top of his game at the moment, a Caddo, a… Well, yeah, we told you it was good shit!
  6. Galerie: Kanga Liu

    An exclusive slide show, in the heart of Panic In Gotham, the latest Magenta production. Photographs by Kanga Liu, captioned by Léo Valls.

  7. Caddo & cie

    We were rejoicing about the recent Dave Caddo addition to Politic, hoping for a nice welcome part at some point. Well, here it is, and it delivers! Add great things from about every other team member, plus finding out (at least for us!) about the nonchalantly explosive style of Kevrick Evans, and you're looking at a few re-watchs this week. And probably way more then that!
  8. Taylor alert!

    Looks like Valencia is quickly becoming a hit destination, and for good reasons… Here the crew is American, apart from a Dom Henry on top of his game, and the skating is top notch, but here, mister Nawrocki is the one that will stay branded in your tired and saturated brain! Power and technique, put to a good use: it's all here!
  9. Bigger Spin / EP 006 - Soy Panday

    Once again, Bigger Spin - the text-, image- and link-based complement to every new episode of Big Spin, the French skateboarding podcast interviewing key actors of the scene - is back and this time, Soy Panday is disclosed to be their latest interviewee. The man behind the Magenta Skateboards art direction as well as some pretty good frontside noseslides has a story we've shun light on before, but no one better than Soy himself to tell it; this Bigger Spin retraces his flow of thought throughout the interview just as much as his personal development along the years, dot by dot.


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