Anthony Van Engelen

That bench you didn't know you wanted!

This in-depth piece of journalism by the always on point Quartersnacks reminds us of two facts… One, Los Angeles, depite its superficy coming with an insane aount of the bits and pieces that make a city might not be the street skating paradise we all secretly dream of when gazing at our local waxed curb! That, and the fact that Mister Van Engelen is one hell of a psyshopath, and the world is lucky he decided to channel his inner tenacity via a skateboard, and not a less positive activity!

2019 Summer mix


Raw F.A.!

Well, here's a little summer surprise from the F.A. camp, with the older cats having fun in L.A. while the younglings are adventuring in Europe, from Madrid to Berlin, notably, with a Louie Lopez visibly excited to be here, and a Sage full of his usual pop. Yes, those ten minutes are exactly what you needed to shake off the heat!

F.A., le film!

Or a compilation of about everything the Fucking Awesome camp has produced in terms of visual gems, even the most rare stuff, maybe enough to keep you waiting for news, especially in the Hockey corner!? Winking emoticon…

FA alert!

Well, this should slap you back into shape for this Sunday morning!

AVE alert!

Here, enjoy a bit if tech ultra-violence! That'll keep you on your toes…

Stacks on stacks on stacks…

All the recent Strobeck Instagram edits for Supreme pieced together: what else ya need!?

Sage alert!

A perfect reminder that this Sage Elsesser kid is one of the most powerful street skater there is nowadays… And Sean is no joke, either!

Fight / Fuck II The Movie

The FA/Hockey gang strikes back, with a rather extreme approach to incorporate the sessions life, and the result is powerful… That one trip to Philly and AVE's two lines there should go down in history!


Could this be a hint of the possibility of a certain trophy for Mister Van Engelen? Should the switch back lip be the cool trick of the year to come? What exact characteristic of Harvey Keitel's genitalia is unbearable to Thrasher to the point of having to censor it? So many questions, such little bandwidth to answer them all…

Chomp on that!

So the trilogy is complete: Man Down, Chomp Of This and now Boys of Summer… The Los Angeles 2015 All-Stars version of the "buddy cam" video juggles an amazing mix of generations and the perfect soundtrack. The "feel good movie"  of the winter, we tell you… *****


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