Jake Rupp


In the same timeless, classic vein as "CLOSURE", the video retrospective of Dan Wolfe's works throughout the years that LIVE also shared recently, but with a more accute emphasis on the Philadelphia and New Jersey scenes this time (with some San Francisco still thrown in the mix for good measure), and far less renowned: that is "ABSTRACT", by Vern Laird. That first video effort of his came out just in time for the beginning of the twenty-first century after having been filmed (on both a VX-1000 and a VX-3) between 1997 and 1999, and judging from the impeccable roster, Vern knew the right talents to pick: bear witness to just that, a historical section by Tim Achille (for the longest time, the only one available online), a part for Rich Adler then in developing embryo form, an insane friends section featuring all the epoch's monarchs (from Bobby Puleo to Jake Rupp without forgetting about Tony Cox, Josh Kalis and Stevie Williams - already an iconic duo, Brian Wenning, Andre Page, Pat Corcoran, A.J. Mazzu, Sergei Trudnowski, Will Harmon or even Rob Pluhowski...), accompanying footage of quite the speedy, aggressive yet original Damian Smith and of Brennan John, claiming the curtains to a Bad Brains song. Oh and Vern has his own segment, too! All for a VHS that only came in five hundred copies, and the content of which only just recently reached the shores of the Internet. Now, what a relief for the culture!


When Dan Wolfe himself uploads "CLOSURE", the legendary full-length video recap of his filmmaking career - between 1993 and 2003, precisely - with the best clips he ever filmed for classic releases such as "EASTERN EXPOSURE" and "REAL TO REEL" paired up with a lot of never-before-seen footage, with a healthy dose of S.F. in the mix as well, in the original quality and even clickable chapters, every man's quarantine is bound to suddenly get a lot smoother!

We'll also take the opportunity to link to the man's interview by Eric Swisher of Chrome Ball Incident, from the yesteryear. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and doses of culture can only be beneficial to one's immune system!

Roots radical

Theories gives us, here, food for thought, by releasing this Dustin Eggelin part from the cult Static IV, as his easy on the eyes bouncy style seems like a rather logical follow-up to back when Jake Rupp was more or less inventing Hippie Tech™ in the first chapter of the Static saga. But we'll leave the comparisons at that, as Mister Eggeling also develop his very own take on it, whether we speak lines or spots approach…


Since a little knowledge of your own history has never hurt, why not go back to not known (enough) part, like the Static I Jake Rupp's part? It's all here: power, originality all laced in a beyond relaxed style… Yes, all you love these days, but laid down perfectly, back in 1999. And it has not aged a bit!


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