Brian Brown

B. B. Kings

For this Sunday's brunch, it's one savant cocktail of savors that awaits you right now under the form of this edit by legendary N.Y.C. skate filmmaker R.B. Umali (yes, the one behind "MIXTAPE" for a golden-era Zoo York, amongst many other works). As its title suggests, we're talking a retrospective of footage collected throughout the decades and video productions, nowhere but at the mythical skate spot of Brooklyn Banks. One that just so happens to be under quite the imminent threat of destruction, by the way - a decision one can still help oppose via this petition right here. Anyway, in the silly hypothesis that such a landmark would need a video resume of sorts to certify its cultural importance to the masses, then this one would have to be it, featuring a who's who of some of the most classic East Coast styles and pretty much a compilation of the most memorable moves and moments ever spent on those bricks. Just look at that roster!

A good chunk!

This week's "feel good movie"? Absolutely. Proof that getting back to the basics is, for Chocolate, the best option…

Top ranking!

The "NJScum" label always guarantees quality stuff, but this Christmas once again: Jake Johnson, DIY spots, Alex Davis, camo shorts, Zered Bassett lines, New Jersey industrial areas, ephemeral spots and even Anthony Van Engelen in an abandoned swimming pool… What else you need!?

He's back

We still can't tell you much about Politic, apart from their real good taste in picking up riders… Proof here with their announcing of Danny Renaud joining their ranks! Yep, he is skating again, for real.

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